Create a PowerPoint presentation that showcases your ability to tell a story. Introduction This portfolio work project will give you practice with professional writing expectations, as well as motivating and persuading others by telling a story. Create a brief slide presentation, with graphics, and preferably your voice presenting, that analyzes the tools and strategies that leaders can use to build trust and collaboration, and explains why you believe storytelling is one effective tool for you to use to lead your team. The Creating a Presentation in the MBA Program Resources and the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PDF] document will help you with this presentation. The Ariel Group explains that a story needs to follow a basic four-step format that gently leads the audience into the story, through the story, and connecting the story: The Ariel Group. (2011). Executive essentials: Storytelling [PDF] . Available from Use this format, based on page 9 of the Ariel group resource, to create six slides (including cover page and references): Slide 1. Cover slide with title and your name, and a graphic for interest (be sure to credit graphic artist in the reference slide). Slide 2. Introduce the subject matter or business content, much as the introduction to a paper would do. Conversation example: “I think you’ve been doing a great job heading this initiative despite the hiccups you’ve encountered along the way. I want to make sure you don’t beat yourself up over this too much . . .” Presentation example: “Today I would like to speak to you about a new marketing strategy for our product . . .” NASA example: “NASA has a reputation for communication issues among teammates, but our team is going to change all of that.” Slide 3. Provide an overview of the importance of storytelling. Specifically, analyze at least two tools leaders can use to build trust and relationships, foster collaboration, and help employees feel engaged with their work (storytelling is one of those tools; mention one or two others). Also, explain ways in which leaders use storytelling to build trust and relationships. Slide 4. Transition into the story. This slide should transition into your story, setting the expectations of the audience of what is to come. Conversation example: “In fact, back when I was a team leader, I had a similar experience . . .” Presentation example: “Let me share with you a story to illustrate a vision of how we can work together . . .” NASA example: “I once worked at another company that had some major communications issues. It wasn’t life or death like here at NASA, but we did have some serious problems in communications that impacted our ability to be effective.” Slide 5. Tell the Story. This slide should actually tell your story: Set the stage. Describe the conflict. Describe the resolution. Example: “It’s 2012. I’m out on the soccer field with my son when he turns to me and says . . .” NASA example: “About 10 years ago I was working as a shift leader at a manufacturing facility where safety was supposedly part of the culture, yet we had a frighteningly bad safety record . . .” Continue the story. Slide 6. Connect the story to a teaching point or subject matter. This slide should bring your story back to the issue at hand. Personal learning: “What my son said to me reminded me so powerfully that there is always a fresh, new way to look at any challenging situation.” Message for the group: “Ladies and gentlemen, are we willing to shift our marketing strategy in a whole new direction, to take a risk in the way that my son did? I certainly am.” NASA example: “In this situation, we learned this and that. Here at NASA, we can do the same thing. We can prove that communications this and that.” Think of this like explaining the moral of the story. Slide 7. References. Include references here. Deliverable Format Presentation. Attach a PowerPoint presentation that has a cover page, five …

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Robinson (2011) noted that “When people say to me that they are not creative, I assume that they just haven’t yet learnt what is involved” (p. 1). Do you find it interesting to consider that creativity can be learned? Or conversely, that it can be unlearned? In this discussion, you will apply your knowledge of creativity and the strategies needed to encourage it by reflecting on a personal experience in which your creativity was either stifled or enhanced. Please review this week’s Instructor Guidance for specific assistance on excelling in this discussion. Initial Post: Read the National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education (NACCE) report, All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , focusing specifically on the Creative and Cultural Education (pp. 54-60) and Teaching and Learning (pp. 100-123) section. As you read through this work, note some of the specific strategies NACCCE recommends for facilitating creativity skills. Make a list of these strategies to use in the next portion of this requirement. Once you have a clear picture of the types of educational strategies Robinson believes supports creativity, view the When There Is a Correct Answer Exercise in Creative Thinking (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. video. This is a short two-minute summary of Dr. Segev’s research on creative drawing with children. Based on the results of Dr. Segev’s research, describe a situation during your life in which your creativity was either inhibited, or encouraged. Write about this incident in a narrative, storytelling way. Within your story, apply at least two of the NACCCE strategies you listed when taking notes on the NACCCE report. Consider how these were either supported or not supported within the scenario you described. Once you complete your story, post it in the discussion forum. Feel free to be creative with this story. For example, you may want to try Storybird (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. , which is a digital storytelling platform (free accounts are available to students and teachers). If you use a web-based technology to create your story, be sure to post a link to it in your post.

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List and explain the “Four Pillars” of Safety Management System (SMS). Assess their value in creating a “proactive and predictive” safety program. Remember, you must have a title page, 300 word body written in the third person, and at least two references. Each assignment will use the following APA format: Short paper 1-2 pages 1″ margins Double-spaced 12 pt. Times New Roman font Include name on the front page

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PSY 480 week 2 individual assignment major approaches to clinical psychology presentation Select one of the following disorders: Depressive disorder Generalized anxiety disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you compare and contrast the major approaches to clinical psychology—psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and family systems—in relation to the selected disorder. Address the following items: Discuss the philosophical origins of each approach. Identify the goals of each approach. Describe the techniques and strategies used by each approach. Explain how each approach affects the treatment strategies for your selected disorder. Evaluate the effectiveness of each approach, in relation to your selected disorder, based on treatment outcome research. Include speaker notes with your presentation. Incorporate information from at least five peer-reviewed publications. Cite each outside source on a slide titled References. Format your paper consistent with APA guide

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Benchmark – STEM Unit Plan When teachers contextualize learning and integrate that context across all subjects, students are typically more engaged in learning and are able to make connections. For this benchmark assignment, you will create a four day mini-unit by completing the “STEM Unit Plan Template” that integrates science, math, technology, and engineering. Select a K-3 grade level for your unit (preferably the same grade you have been using throughout this course) and one area (science, math, technology, or engineering) to use as the primary content area of focus. Integrate the three remaining content areas into the unit as much as possible. Use your state’s standards to identify the learning goals and targets. Use the “Class Profile” to provide background data on your students. In your unit be sure to outline lessons that: Develop students’ abilities to use the major concepts of the subject area (science, technology, engineering, or math) that you selected for the unit. Integrate concepts from the remaining three content areas to help students successfully apply their developing skills. Incorporate effective strategies in which students engage in the equitable and appropriate use of digital tools and resources Differentiate the instruction based on the needs of the students in the class (as outlined on the “Class Profile”), using developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate teaching and learning strategies In addition, include a research-based rationale for your instructional choices. In 750-1,000 words, describe the following: An explanation of the strategies and resources utilized, including technological tools, for the STEM instruction. How you used the data from the “Class Profile” to modify instruction to meet each child’s learning needs and promote positive outcomes. How the legal and ethical use of digital information and technology would be modeled in the unit. Cite 2-3 scholarly resources that support your rationale. Prepare the rationale portion of the assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Practice Chapter 11 – Economic Growth and the Wealth of Nations Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 1.      Economic growth is defined as: a.        the percent change of gross domestic product (GDP). b.        the percent change of real GDP. c.        the percent change of real per capita GDP. d.        the percent change of per capita GDP. e.        the percent change of population. 2.      According to the textbook, which of the following countries is not considered a “wealthy nation”? a.        Denmark b.        Israel c.        Germany d.        Liberia e.        the United States 3.      Higher rates of economic growth are negatively correlated with: a.        better education. b.        better health care. c.        shorter life expectancy. d.        the number of physicians per capita. e.        adult literacy. 4.      Average world income began to increase rapidly during: a.        the Enlightenment. b.        the Dark Ages. c.        the Second World War. d.        the War of the Ring. e.        the Industrial Revolution. 5.      If an economy experiences economic growth, does that mean that everyone in that economy will be better  off? a.        No, it means that the average person is better off. b.        Yes, that is the definition of economic growth. c.        Yes, but only if there is little immigration during that time period. d.        No, economic growth is not correlated with standards of living. e.        Yes, but only if nominal gross domestic product (GDP) increases. 6.      In 2010, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) was roughly $14.6 trillion. Given that the U.S. population was roughly 308 million people, per capita GDP in the United States in 2010 was roughly: a.    $4,760. b.    $0.22. c.    $47,403. d.    $22,000. e.    $475,990. 7.      From 2011 to 2012, U.S. real GDP increased by 2.2% and the U.S. population grew by 1%. Therefore, per capita real GDP in the United States increased by: a.    2.8%. b.    1.2%. c.    3.8%. d.    1.8%. e.    5.4%. 8.      Nominal gross domestic product (GDP) is a poor measure of economic growth because: a.        it does not count investment by private businesses. b.        it overstates the importance of consumer spending. c.        it does not include government spending. d.        it ignores imports and exports. e.        it does not consider changes in prices or population growth. 9.      Annual real per capita gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States was roughly $44,000 in 2000. If it grew by 3% the following year, by 2001 the annual real per capita GDP would be: a.    $57,200. b.    $42,718. c.    $33,846. d.    $45,320. e.    $1,320. 10.      From 2009 to 2010, nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States grew by 3.8%. Given that prices increased by 1% and the population grew by 1%, we know that per capita real GDP grew by: a.    3.8%. b.    1.8%. .      2.8%. d.    4.8%. e.    5.8%. 11.      From 2009 to 2010, nominal gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States grew by 3.8%. Given that prices increased by 1% and per capita real GDP grew by 1.8%, we know that the population grew by: a.    2%. b.    1.8%. c.    1%. d.    4.8%. e.    5.8%. 12.      In 2010, real gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States was roughly $14.6 trillion. In 2011, real GDP      in the United States was roughly $15.1 trillion. Therefore, between 2010 and 2011, real GDP grew by: a.    4.3%. b.    3.4%. c.    3.3%. d.    4.5%. e.    0.5%. 13.      In 2010, per capita real gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States was roughly $46,000. In 2011, per capita real GDP in the United States was roughly $48,400. Therefore, between 2010 and 2011, the rate of economic growth in the United States was: a.    2.5%. b.    2.4%. c.    4.9%. d.    5.2%. e.    0.5%. 14.      From 2009 to 2010, per capita real gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States grew by 1.8%. Given  that prices incr…

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Pages 1-20 of the MS Science Framework provides infinite discussion material for this course, so your initial discussion should include the following: Describe what the NSES refers to as “CHANGING EMPHASES” and how that ties into the NSTA’s science declaration for the MS Science Frameworks.

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Complete the “Scripting Dialogues Table” to complete this assignment. Part 1: Scripting Dialogues Table Using the “Birthday Soup” excerpt, create teacher-student dialogues specific to using single-letter and consonant digraphs, short vowel and long vowel sounds, and appropriate use of word building and word building-spelling. Review the examples in your text as a guide. Part 2: Rationale In a 250-500 rationale, summarize how each dialogue is effective and developmentally appropriate for teaching phonics, word recognition, and spelling. Be sure to explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Please choose one question from each section The maximum number of bonus questions can be answered is 2. Questions:  Section   A – Ricardian Model & Specific Factors Model         (33 pts.) 1-Suppose an hour’s labor produces 4 kg of rice and 8 meter of cloth in Nepal, and     2 kg and 8 meter in  Bangladesh. Using opportunity costs, explain which country will export cloth and which will export rice in trade? If you think Nepal and Bangladesh should trae rice and cloth, what principle you borrowed from Ricardo did you use? Discuss.   2-A country produces two crops – barley and wheat. Given the price of barley (Pb) and wheat (Pw), the relationship of labor allocation is shown as MLPb x Pb = MLPw x Pw = w, where MLPb and MLPw are marginal products of labor for the two. Suppose after opening up to trade wheat’s price increases by 15 percent and   barley’s price increases by 8 percent; in what percentages (any “possible” number) the wage increases and how the income distribution changes after opening up to trade? Bonus Question (10 points): Suppose the competitive wage is not the market wage thus there is unemployment. How that particular price change ocurring after opening up to trade might affect affect the income distribution? Discuss. Questions: Section    B –Hecksher-Ohlin Model & Standard Trade Model         (33 pts.) 1. Suppose in the year of 2012, Slovenia had a 2 million population and its capital stock worth of US $ 46,000 million, and the corresponding figures  are 10 million and US $ 544,000 million for Sweden. Answer the following, on the basis of this information i. Which country is capital abundant?  ii. How much capital stock the capital abundant country should lose to become labor abundant? iii. If production of cloth is labor intensive relative to the production of computers, which country would export cloth, if engaged in trade? iv. In which country the labor employed in production of computers is against the import of computers  (after opening up to trade), and why? Bonus Question (10 points) : After opening up to trade, free market transactions               would bring certain losses for import competing sectors. Can you introduce the                mechanism or governmental policy which would make everbody richer (or some                people richer without making some not poorer) relative to before opening to                trade?. Discuss. 2. Suppose Malaysia and Taiwan have same number of labor and capital and share same production technology.  Suppose Malaysia begins to export cloth to and import fish from Taiwan after openining up to trade (These countries constitute the market for cloth and fish). Use standard trade model to answer the following, on the basis of this information? i.) Show the relation between relative prices before opening to trade? Discuss. ii.) Show trade triangles for each country (Use PPF and social indifferences for both countries)? iii.) Suppose perfect competitive market conditions hold in fish and cloth markets. Suppose there is increase in demand for cloth resulting in increase in relative price of cloth (relative to fish prices) How it would affect the trade triangle of Malaysia? Bonus Question (10 points) : Discuss how would your answer to 2B iii.) would                 change if cloth is inferior good for Malaysia? Questions:  Section C – International Trade Policies & Intra-Industry Trade Model (34 pts.) 1. Evaluate the impact of tariff on the welfare of importing country i. If the country is not big enough to affect world price (of that particular good) ?  ii. If the country is big enough to affect world price (of that particular good) ? Bonus Question (10 points) : Suppose that the government provides income transfers                to consumers (of the good referred above), how it would affect your answer to the               question. Discuss your answer in the light of the fact that the good (referred above) is               very small portion of the cons…

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Instructions Access the following to complete this Assignment: Gestwicki’s Cycle of Planning (pages 77-84) Resource can be located in Sub-Competency 1, Activity 1 California Preschool Curriculum Framework (pages 18-26) PR004 Short Answer Submission Form (with Rubric) Academic Writing Expectations Checklist For this Short Answer Assignment, you will respond to a series of short-answer items to demonstrate your understanding of the components of the planning cycle, approaches to designing curriculum, and curriculum models. To complete this Assignment: Download the Academic Writing Expectations Checklist to use as a guide when completing your Assignment. Responses that do not meet the expectations of scholarly writing will be returned without scoring. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided, where appropriate. Download the PR004 Short Answer Submission Form, which includes the Rubric for this Assignment. Complete the form adhering to the criteria presented in the Rubric.

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