Topics about how “Kondratiev wave” effect the economic and predict for the future.


Need Outline

1) Topic: how “Kondratiev wave” effect the economic and predict for the future.

2)Length: approximately 7000 words

4)Description: paper on a relevant topic(Kondratiev Waves with elements of applied macroeconomic analysis. Particular attention to data analysis 3 (MS Excel).

5) Need check with me the processes every week

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Most weeks you will turn in a ONE PAGE (2-3 paragraphs) reflection paper. The reflection papers should discuss ethical issues that have occurred to you either as a result of readings or events that have taken place in your real life. Each student should submit a total of 10 reflection papers.

These are due each Friday by 12 NOON.

Below I have attached a copy of Chapter 6.

This assignment is due on Friday.

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Note: Discussion questions and Paper are independent tasks. Please provide them in separate documents.

1. Discussion Questions:

Answer the below discussion questions each in 1 full page and list out references.

a. In your opinion, can a leader maintain a personal friendship with some member(s) of his/her work group or team without creating the perception of favoritism?

b. How can virtual teams work well together when the team members are spread far apart?

2. Case Study in full APA format:

Address the seven questions associated with the chapter three Opening Case Application (Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg) in a four to five page paper (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages). Completely review the company website noted in the case. Assignment should be APA compliance. (File Attached)

Please use this strategy when you analyze a case:

  1. Identify and write the main issues found discussed in the case (who, what, how, where and when (the critical facts in a case).
  2. List all indicators (including stated “problems”) that something is not as expected or as desired.
  3. Briefly analyze the issue with theories found in your textbook or other academic materials. Decide which ideas, models, and theories seem useful. Apply these conceptual tools to the situation. As new information is revealed, cycle back to sub steps a and b.
  4. Identify the areas that need improvement (use theories from your textbook)
    • Specify and prioritize the criteria used to choose action alternatives.
    • Discover or invent feasible action alternatives.
    • Examine the probable consequences of action alternatives.
    • Select a course of action.
    • Design and implementation plan/schedule.
    • Create a plan for assessing the action to be implemented.
  5. Conclusion (every paper should end with a strong conclusion or summary)

Paper Writing Requirements:

  • 4–5 pages in length (excluding cover page, abstract, and reference list)
  • Use APA format to complete the paper.
  • Include proper citations and references in the paper
  • Use the page break feature
  • No Plagiarism
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Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram

using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements

for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a

relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario.

We will discuss Relational Schema’s in Module 4.

– The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.

– Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.

– Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.

– Write down your assumption clearly if necessary

– Do your best, if you are having troubles, please write that out with the assumptions.

– There are multiple right answers for this problem, so please don’t compare with others, as you can all read the definition differently.

PLEASE UPLOAD individually THE ER MODEL (As a JPG,PNG, or PDF) AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word or text document) to Canvas, Assignment 1. At least one entity class name and attribute name should start with your initials.

Case Description

Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.

Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.

Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.

MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.

MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes:

– Facilitate order acceptance and tracking

– Facilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summaries

– Facilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

-Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).

To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.

– To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.

12 mins ago

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Summarize the article, A Study of Mobile Forensic Tools Evaluation on Android-Based LINE Messenger, specifically targeting passages discussing the mobile software, MOBILedit! Forensic in a minimum of 600 words from the perspective of computer forensics.


Riadi, I., Fadlil, A., & Fauzan, A. (2018, November). A Study of Mobile Forensic Tools Evaluation on Android-Based LINE Messenger. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 9(10), 201-206. doi:10.14569/IJACSA.2018.091024

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Hello I need help to paraphrase the whole case study separately 1,2 and 4 please find attached the case

Thank you

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  1. Using Java’s Generics framework, make two classes… one that stores 2 items of any given type (Pair) and one that stores 3 items of any given type (Triple). Then use the triple value class to store the win & loss records of multiple football teams (or any sport) in an array. Next loop through array and calculate the winning percentage of each team and add team name and win % to a pair class, and then add that instance to another array. Finally print out all team entries in the pair array with their win percentages and state which team has the greatest win percentage.
  1. This lab will involve the following new features:
    1. Generics
  1. Generic classes: You’ll make two classes similar to what we did in class.
    1. One class is the Pair class just like from class, and the other will be a Triple class and will have one more parameter, so A,B,C in the Triple class.
  2. In your main class, you will create at least 5 instances of the Triple class, and in each one you will store:
    1. Team name – String
    2. Wins – int
    3. Losses – int
  3. Create an array of this Triple generic class type and store these 5 instances in the array.
    1. Here is a guide on creating an array of generic types:

Triple<String,Integer,Integer>[] aoTriple;

aoTriple = new Triple[5];

  1. Now create another array of Pair type that is 5 in length.
  2. Create a for loop and loop through the Triple array.
    1. For each item, calculate the win percentage and create new Pair object and place following values in each Pair object:
      1. Team name – String
      2. Winning percentage – double (e.g. .67) – this has to be calculated as opposed to just typing it into code!
        1. NOTE: Winning percentage has to be calculated by dividing wins by total games and can just be stored as a decimal… e.g. .85
  3. Print out results:
    1. Finally create a for loop to loop through Pair array and print out the values of each object (team name and win %).
    2. IMPORTANT: Also print out which team has the highest win % by figuring out mathematically which % is the highest.
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Following review of one set of the videos in the previous task, respond to the following questions in 1–2 sentences.

  1. How do you think the new and old versions represent different aspects of their societies/times? What are the similarities and differences?
  2. How does each version reflect the culture and time period in which they exist?
  3. After considering the examples presented, think about the artifact that you chose for Project 1. Pose one question regarding the relationship between human culture and expression in relation to your artifact. In one sentence, explain one approach you may take to find the response to the question posed.
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At this point in the term, and with your new knowledge, you are being promoted to Assistant Fleet Planner for a major airline that is beginning to think about purchasing a new international-range wide-body aircraft.

What do you think are the most important aircraft attributes that must be considered (size, range, comfort, economics, ETOPS, etc) and where would you recommend your boss start his/her evaluation?

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  • 4.1 List ways in which secret keys can be distributed to two communicating parties.
  • 4.2 What is the difference between a session key and a master key?
  • 4.3 What is a key distribution center?
  • 4.4 What entities constitute a full-service Kerberos environment?
  • 4.5 In the context of Kerberos, what is a realm?
  • 4.6 What are the principal differences between version 4 and version 5 of Kerberos?
  • 4.7 What is a nonce?
  • 4.8 What are two different uses of public-key cryptography related to key distribution?
  • 4.9 What are the essential ingredients of a public-key directory?
  • 4.10 What is a public-key certificate?
  • 4.11 What are the requirements for the use of a public-key certificate scheme?
  • 4.12 What is the purpose of the X.509 standard?
  • 4.13 What is a chain of certificates?
  • 4.14 How is an X.509 certificate revoked?
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