Then, complete a self-evaluation using information you gained or realized through this week’s Books and Resources.

Prepare a written appraisal of your own specific skills and behaviors, and then examine how these can be beneficial to guide organizational change as a leader/coach.

Determine how these findings would affect your personal relations and those of others within an organization.

Then, provide real world examples of the application to support your assessment.

Support your assessment with at least five scholarly resources and five pages only. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

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The parameters for your response are as follows:

The response must be between 850-1150 words. Students that fall short of the required word count will receive a 10% deduction.

You must cite a minimum of 3 scholarly sources– news media articles do not count as scholarly sources, only peer reviewed journals, books, etc.

You must cite all sources clearly and consistently, regardless of the citation style you choose be sure to keep it consistent.

You must include a works cited (not part of the word count) at the end.

You response should include considerable reflection on the pertinent course terms and concepts, failing to reference these consistently throughout will result in a deduction.

Week Two Prompt

We have stated that our primary theoretical framework in this course in Intersectionality, which states that we should not view identity as ‘either/or’ but rather ‘both/and’ across different categories. From this point of view, we must work hard analytically to understand an individual’s ‘Standpoint’ on the basis of their relationship to categories of identity. Selecting at least two of the major categories of your own identity, discuss how those categories have intersected to shape your own life experiences, and how your experiences may be similar or different from others on the basis of one or both of those categories. A good example if Sojourner Truth’s speech “Ain’t I a Woman,” in which she points out that her status as a woman of color means she is not included in many of the conversations her fellow white feminists were having at the time.

Please please cite everything, they will be using Turnitin to check the work. No plagiarism allowed failing automatically.

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Develop an understanding of your leadership style

Attached file will help you to write the CT. The CT should follow APA style.

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Write an essay by following instruction:you will watch someone stream. It can be anyone, as long as they AREN’T a pro. That comes later.

  1. What’s the audience and how does the caster appeal to/create for that audience?
  2. Does this cast cater to hardcore fans or do you see ways in which there is an attempt to help people who don’t understand the game follow the action? Why?
  3. Think about production value. This will vary greatly from stream-to-stream. Some streams will just be a person playing with coms from a game as audio. Think about how that impacts you as a viewer.
  4. How does the caster involve the audience directly in the cast? If they don’t, why? What might be gained or lost?
  5. Why’d you stayed with the stream? What is the appeal?

Each criterion will be worth 2 points of your final total for the assignment.

You may pick any streamer you like as long as:

  1. They aren’t a pro or a professional organization
  2. Stream for at least 1 hour
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For this assignment, submit your completed Literature Worksheet. You should have completed all sections of the worksheet (Article One, Article Two, and Article Three) using the articles from your chosen track that were presented in Modules One, Two, and Three.

The information in this worksheet will inform the literature review section of your final project submission. The final project submission is due in Module Eight.

remember we did the first part of this Milestone? This is the second part.

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write original responses to provided essay questions for each section. Do not copy from the internet. All essays will be checked for similarities by Any plagiarism will receive a zero. Clearly state your four successes and four failures.

Essays should use normal margins, 12-pt Arial or Times New Roman font, and double-spaced; your essay should be about 1000 words in length; your essay should be in paragraph form with an introduction paragraph containing your thesis statement (or argument), body paragraphs, and a conclusion. All general statements must be supported by facts and include analysis of the material. Please remember stay on focus and defend your thesis rather than just listing events. Please leave your feelings out, instead use facts to make your point. Please do not include numerous quotes in your essay – they are just fillers.


If you do use a direct quote an outside source or the textbook for emphasis, you must cite it properly with “quotation marks.” Otherwise, it is plagiarism.


Evaluate four successes and four failures from the Progressive Era through the 1920s.

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1. Seeing DNA: Genetics can be a difficult subject to understand, especially, because we cannot “see” our DNA. The first part of this activity is to pull DNA out of a cell. When I was in college (and this was legal), we drew blood from our lab partners and isolated their DNA! Since times have changed and I don’t expect any of you to pull out the needles, I ask that you watch this Do-It Yourself Strawberry DNA video. It is completely optional if you would like to recreate this experiment at home. My kids loved it and you really don’t need any scientific equipment. We used items from our kitchen. The goal is to understand how DNA is contained in a cell and how scientists are able to pull it out or isolate it for genetic testing or modification.

2. Next, you will complete the virtual activity about Punnet Squares. You may complete as many scenarios as you’d like, but I only need to see one. Please submit a screenshot (saved as a Word document, .DOC or .png) of your completed punnett square to Dropbox. Even though this example uses fruit flies as the species, this is the same method used to determine if two parents will have children (offspring) with recessive genetic diseases or simply to determine what eye color they may have. The goal is to understand how genetic testing of two parent’s genotypes can help determine what physical traits (phenotypes) their children can have. NOTE: Be cautious when submitting your work. Sometimes, students do not check their work and submit an empty square. Make sure your submission shows the completed assignment and includes the flies to avoid losing points.

3. Current Event: GMO’s: Love them or Hate them?

Independently research GMO’s using scientific resources (make sure and check your websites, there is a ton of fake science on this subject. Use the databases given in the orientation module to help you find reliable sources). Next research the Zika virus and it’s ties to GMO controversy. You may use any of the links below, but since this is a current event, you may find more recent information available online. Finally, submit a brief and cited opinion on how you feel about GMO’s in general (for food, viruses, animals, etc)

What is Zika? (From Unit 1 Dropbox)

What is the connection between GMO’s and Zika?



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Review the information provided in the Health Care (Links to an external site.) website. Discuss the major financial challenges of health care reform.


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  1. Write your thesis
  2. Outline your paper using an alphanumeric outline format. For help with the alphanumeric outline, try googling “Purdue OWL alphanumeric outline”
  3. Cite and summarize three sources that relate to your intended
  4. **previous assignments will be provided**
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Presenting Historical Trauma in the Graphic Novel: A Comparison of Persepolis and Maus


3-pages, double spaced, Due: 9/23


Marjane Satrapi and Art Spiegelman both utilize personal narratives in Persepolis and Mausto examine historical events. Compare and contrast each artist’s unique approach to storytelling in these two graphic novels. Communicate to the reader how this art form (the graphic novel) is a unique media to communicate a historical, traumatic event to a broad audience.

Think about the narrative and how it is delivered visually in each novel. You may want to consider: character development, setting, time management, symbolism, humor and irony, role of the reader, and the use of distancing and intimacy.

Where are the areas of similarity and difference? Specific formal elements and terms of design should be incorporated from The Methodologies of Art.

When crafting your argument, use specific sections of the novels. Your thesis and supporting evidence should be relevant and incorporate using page numbers, chapter markers and even individual frames or visual markers. Formal citations should be included in your paper.


In-Text: (Spiegelman, 2)

Bibliography: Spiegelman, Art. Maus. Pantheon Books, 1992

Graphic Novel Comparison

Graphic Novel Comparison

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting MechanicsSpelling, grammar, structural issues related to thesis and supporting body paragraphs.

35.0 to >25.0 pts

Full Marks

The paper has clear, concise sentence structure. The thesis is well presented and argued. Supporting body paragraphs are clear and connect to the thesis. The conclusion is well organized and connected to the thesis.

25.0 to >0 pts

Significant Structural Issues

The paper is difficult to read.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormal Issues: MausThe formal choices made by the artist are thoroughly described for the reader.

35.0 pts

Average Summary of Form

The graphic novel is described, but the writer does not uses broad summaries rather than specific examples.

35.0 to >0 pts

Full Marks

Specific examples from the novel are used and described.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormal Issues: PersepolisThe formal choices made by the artist are thoroughly described for the reader.

35.0 pts

Average Summary of Form

The graphic novel is described, but the writer does not uses broad summaries rather than specific examples.

35.0 to >0 pts

Full Marks

Specific examples from the novel are used and described.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStorytelling and Historical TraumaThe writer clearly addresses the historical events and references the connection to the artist’s personal story.

25.0 pts

Full Marks

Specific examples are used including a discussion of symbolism, metaphor, humor and irony, and other linguistic and formal evidence to approach the topic of trauma and storytelling.

25.0 to >0 pts

Loose Connection to Historical Trauma

The writer creates a connection to history, but it is unclear or not specific enough.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUniqueness of Graphic NovelThe writer presents the uniqueness of the media by examining the role between text and visual form.

20.0 to >0.0 pts

Full Marks

0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

Total Points: 150.0

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