Management in Action

About the assignment: You will write a short report connecting course material to current news articles. After reviewing topics from our text, review various articles in news publications on the Internet. Good sites include Washington Post, Bloomberg Business Week, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Verge, Reuters, BBC, The Economist, or any credible news source.

Why of the assignment: Learning the concept is one thing. Identifying it in a real-life situation is another. This assignment requires you to think deeply about the concept and then be able to identify it in a business or even non-business setting. You will likely be able to apply the concepts to a sports setting or an organizational setting such as an event or a governmental situation. You might see it in a police response to a situation or the way a sports team manages itself or a situation. “Management” and the concepts we study are a part of life and you will see it manifested in many situations.

Please focus on news articles and not editorial articles. These would be ones discussing the best techniques or ways to accomplish something, whether it be motivation, leadership, organizing a company or team or many other areas. The don’t require you to identify a concept – they spell it out for you. Using one of these articles will cost you 15 points. If you are unsure – ask me. I am happy to help you.

The more topics that can be successfully tied to the article, the greater the point value of the assignment. Less than three topics will result in a deduction in points. Please see “Additional Directions” below as well as the rubric so you are aware of the grading. More than three topics may result in bonus points if the instructions below are followed.

1. Connections to the concepts in the text must be made. These must be explicit using citations (e.g. Chapter 15, Section 3a Hierarchical versus Decentrailized Approaches.)

2. The concept MUST be explained in your own words.

3. The connection must be made as well. You will need to use a portion of the article and show how it is an example of the concept.

I have posted an example of an “A” paper for your reference. Please review so you understand what I expect.

Use the attached Assignment Form and complete the form following these directions:

Article Summary: 1-2 paragraphs summarizing the MAIN IDEA of the article. Be sure that you focus on the portion of the article that you will be discussing in the next section. Remember this is to be a news article – not a management article or advice article.

For each connection, complete the following sections:

A. Chapter number and section number and description of text you are referencing (e.g. Chapter 1 Section 2 The Basic Function of Management.)

B. Indicate the concept and define it in your own words (not copied from any source or paraphrased.)

C. Make the connection between the article and the concept identified in B above. This should be no more than 150 words.

Additional Directions:

1. Submit either a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. If I am not able to open the file, I will ask that you email me the assignment and will tentatively give you a zero for the assignment. As soon as I get a file I can open, I will grade it using the rubric.

2. Please use proper capitalization. Check the Purdue Owl website. The site has great grammar and punctuation tips. I use it all the time. Also, think about Grammarly. It is handy too.

NOTE: All penalties will be added separately in the gradebook. You will see a separate column and the deductions will be posted around the time your paper is graded. It may not be immediate as it will require me to exit the grading section of BBLearn, which slows down the grading process.

Penalties: Only one concept tied to article – 15 point deduction

Only two concepts tied to article – 8 point deduction

Editorial article used – 15 point deduction

*** Attachments are copies from the book sections, please take a look it will help you

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– Nursing

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Not specified

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1 page

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0 source

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I have attached all the instructions and materials

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10 pages on social media and disaster management (not including title and reference page)

APA format

5-10 sources

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Identify a company that produces a product mix comprised of at least three different brands or models. A common example might be Apple cellphone line-up (comprised of the iPhone XS, iPhoneXR, iPhoneX, iPhone 8, and so on). Before making your final selection, scan the examples of your peers to ensure you are not duplicating an example already identified in the discussion.

Research the company’s product mix price points and discuss the pricing strategy. How does the pricing compare to the competition? Explain the significance of understanding what customers value when making pricing decisions.

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This is for a paper that needs to be corrected/edited which needs to also be reapply to correct template (attached). Please see attached docs for info. I will send you ebook details upon acceptance


A Comparison and Contrast of Two Court Rulings

I have the sign in details for my ebook upon completion.

Course Assignments…

For this assignment, compare and contrast two instrumental court decisions (i.e., Tarasoff v. Regents of California (1976) and Estates of Morgan v. Fairfield Family Counseling Center (1997), both impacting confidentiality practices in the counseling profession. Discuss how the rulings impact clinical practice.

The Assignment (23 pages):

Compare and contrast the details of the Tarasoff v. Regents of California (1976) and Estates of Morgan v. Fairfield Family Counseling Center (1997) court decisions. Consider how these cases may be similar or how they may be different.

Describe how the court rulings relate to confidentiality in profession of counseling. Cite appropriate ethical codes to support your narrative.

Put on a ‘counselor hat’ and discuss how the rulings might clarify or make it more difficult for you as a clinician. Reflect upon your understanding of your responsibility to maintain confidentiality with a client.

Your paper should be in proper APA format with a minimum of 2-3 scholarly references. Use the readings, additional readings, course textbook and the court cases to support your stance, or any other related references you might find.

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Paper Assignment #1 – Norm Violation Paper

In Chapter 2 of the textbook there is a discussion of the importance of “norms” in a given culture. If you recall, norms are necessary to provide structure to a society, as they function as commonly known, yet unwritten rules of societal “do’s” and “don’t’s” that guide our daily behavior. Your assignment for this paper is to violate a social norm and report back what negative sanctions that you experience as a result. To complete this assignment you should do the following:

  • Identify a social situation and a social norm which you want to violate (see below for examples). Please do not do anything that will put you into an unsafe position, or which violates the law.
  • Go through the experience of violating the norm. Immediately after you have done this, take time to write down what happened. Include:
  • You will then write a 3 page paper which answers all of the questions above. In addition, discuss:

a. State why you chose this norm to violate.

b. What was the social situation or space?

c. What norm did you violate?

d. How did you feel when you violated the norm? Were you embarrassed? If so, why? What did you do afterward? Did you run away?

e. How did other people who witnessed you break the norm respond to you?

Did anyone say anything to you? Did they look embarrassed for you?

a. What you learned about the particular norm which you have violated.

b. How did your norm violation reveal the importance of the social norm which you violated? In other words, how did you breaking the norm highlight how important it is for us as a society to have that norm in place?

c. What does the reaction of others to your norm violation say to you about the strength or weakness of this social norm?

d. What does the reaction of others and your feelings about the norm violation say about society and social interaction more broadly?

e. Do not forget to incorporate 4 concepts of your choice from the textbook that you are required to use to analyze your experience.


  • Go into a store to purchase something which is on sale, and telling the sales person that you insist on paying the full price.
  • Go into an elite store (Macy’s for example) and purchasing something by paying for the item in pennies.

Stand uncomfortably close to someone while having a conversation

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3.Although very similar politically and legally with the United States today, Roman society was vastly different than our own. Compare and contrast Roman society with that of Modern America. Give specific examples for support. (250 words or more)

I need a citation from this book (I DO NOT have it): Western Civilization: A Brief History, Vol. I: to 1715, Jackson Spielvogel, 9th ed

First peer: 50 words or more

1. Using the six characteristics of the civilization described in Ch 1 (page 5), what are the specific characteristics of Roman Civilization described in this chapter? Use specific examples to support your conclusion.

One of the first characteristics mentioned is the Roman politics which were very elaborate. They had their chief executive officers know as Consuls and Praetors. There were 2 consuls chosen every year and they “administered the government and led the Roman army into battle” (98). They had the right to command or as they called it imperium. The Praetors generally took over only when the Consuls were in battle, but they can do the same thing that Consuls can. His number 1 duty was to execute justice. There were also Quaestors who were assistants to Consuls and Praetors, Aediles who supervised the games and watcher of the food supply. The Centuriate Assembly was the army doing political functions.

There was also a social division of 2 groups- Patricians who were direct descendants of original senators appointed during the King’s time and were considered wealthy landowners. They were the only ones who could be consuls, magistrates, and senators. The Plebeians were those who were poorer, unprivileged and were the larger of the two groups. Both groups could vote but only Patricians could be elected. Everyone can get married but you could not be a Patrician and marry and plebeian. Over time the Plebeians were tired of their lack of involvement and left the states but that made the Roman army weak so to bring them back they created the Tribunes of the Plebs (2 officers who protected the rights of plebeians). Which ten became the council of the plebs.

Roman religion was very involved in everyday life and Romans believed that they were totally dependent on the Gods. “The official state religion focused on the worship of a pantheon of gods and goddesses, including, Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, and Mars” (106). As time moved on, more gods and goddesses were added in and places worshiped new deities. Greek and Roman gods and goddesses were hand in hand (Greek Hermes=Roman Mercury) and this was called the Greco-Roman Religion. Each house had their own God or Goddess and it was the responsibility of the head of the household (the paterfamilias) to make sure that religious obligations were being met in the home.

Romans also depended on Greeks for artistic inspiration. They excelled in architecture and used many Greek styles in their artwork. They also were the first people to use concrete in a huge scale.

second peer:

4. What were the main socio-economic and political problems Rome faced during the last century of the Republic? How do these problems and the attempts to solve them compare to the partisan politics we face in the United States today?

The main socio-economic and political problems that Rome faced were that the senators running the state were 1) in office for life so they could do anything they wanted with impunity. 2) A majority of the leaders can from a few families. so they would act with their own interest in mind. “Hence, the nobiles constituted a governing oligarchy whose members managed, through landed weath, patronage and intimidation, to maintain their hold over the magistrates and senate and thus guide the destiny of Rome while running the state in their own interests” (Spielvogel 112). The divide between those who had their own ideas vs those who wanted what was best for rome caused a large political fight. (Spielvogel 112). Then to make matters worse farmers were the main source of income for the republic and the Punic Wars destroyed or crippled many farms so most of the farmers just sold off their land so they didnt have to fix it all. That caused the most damage, because of this the nobles of Rome bought up the land but needed serfs or slaves to take care of it, but because military service was extended from 2 to 6 years no one was available and those who were there, could not afford the expensive crops of grapes and olives and farm animals like sheep. (Spielvogel 112). This can compare to today because there is a large gap in wealth, how 1% can control 50% of wealth. This creates many issues like how rome had problems so can the present. When you have such a large disparity and higher taxes on the poorer people create more poor people and the cycle continues until something breaks and it all falls or reform happens before something worse can happen.

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Chapter 10: Developing Accountability in Risk Management: The British Columbia Lottery Corporation Case Study

Chapter 11: Starting from Scratch: The Evolution of ERM at the Workers’ Compensation Fund

1.) Locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.

2.) Reply for below post (100words)


Accountability is the act of one being responsible enough for his or her actions. Risk management is forecasting of financial risks that may occur in an entity and come up with procedures that may reduce their impact (Carroll, 2019). Accountability in risk management is the key to ensure that controls and policies work. For accountability to work in any institution, three different forms of ownership are involved. The three different owners in regards to accountability involve the risk owner, control owner, and the treatment owner.

The risk owners are potentially the leaders of the institution their primary role being oversight of the management. They take part in the day-to-day activities of the firm. Risk owners ensure that the control environment is productive. The risk owners are accountable for all risks that are associated with firm management. This ensures that they are liable for any happenings that occur at the various institutions that they represent. The risk owners should ensure that all processes check to ensure that no cases arise that might risk the normal operations of the entity.

The control owners are responsible for ensuring that they come up with a program for the entity. The program provides that the entity can measure its effectiveness and performance indicators on a particular control. Such case scenarios are where the developers develop software that they believe is free from hacking. In case such an event arises, then the liability solely lies on the control owners. The control owners come up with controls such as passwords and user verifications to ensure that the systems are not hacked or data used by hackers. The control owner’s effectiveness in any institution is based on their performance and efficiency in the ever-rising era of technology.

Lastly, we have the treatment owner. Treatment owners are responsible for ensuring the implementation of treatments designed as part of the management of the risk. The treatment owners ensure that all activities are conducted on time and that they meet the levels that they have been designed to fit (Fraser & Simkins, 2016). The treatment owners are accountable for the risks that are associated with the failure to conduct operations on time.

Risks are hard to avoid, especially in organizations where the company has no control over its demand and customer base. Estimations may not be right leading to actualizations of is thus ideal for different personnel to ensure that they keep their controls effective and be accountable for any risk that may occur and come up with solutions in a bid to improve the functionalities of their entities.

I find this article relevant to our topic of discussion this week. Accountability is key in risk management as we have seen in chapter 10. Without accountability, follows the danger of risks continues to be significant. It is interesting though that people are forced to ensure that the controls work or find themselves in a tight spot. For efficient running of enterprises, entities have to ensure that all risks are mitigated and that all personnel work towards the actualization of these goals.

(Link to the article :…)


Carroll, S. (2019). Risk management: APRA information paper: Self-assessments of governance, accountability, and culture. Governance Directions, 71(6), 314.

Fraser, J. R., & Simkins, B. J. (2016). The challenges of and solutions for implementing enterprise risk management. Business Horizons, 59(6), 689-698.

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well developed the introduction, thesis statement should be clearly states significant and compelling, position or belief.

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Principles of A&P II (Biol 2114)

Albany Technical College

Respiratory System Activity

Instructions: Please place your first and last name, the due date, and the activity number in the upper right hand corner of every assignment (-5 if missing).).Please type the organ in bold ink using Times New Romans with 12 point font (-10 if incorrect). Please type the information in black ink using Times New Romans with 12-point font, not bold or any other color (-10 if incorrect). Please use proper spelling, punctuation, formatting issue, and grammar (-2 point for every error). Please paraphrase each answer in your own words.No credit will be awarded for any copied answers.You must reference your sources. Ex. Textbook page numbers, power point slide numbers, you tube video title, etc. at the end of each set of information in parenthesis.You cannot give range of page numbers or the book as a reference at the end of the assignment.In other words, you must give the exact page number at the end of each set of organs, location, and physiology (-2 each time it is missing). Please see the projected learning schedule for the due and time.

Keep in mind that penalties will be applied for not following directions.

Chapter 19 (The Respiratory System):100 points

  • Trace the entire respiratory pathway in order starting with the nose and ending with the diaphragm.Please provide each organ with its associated structures in bold (-2 each time it is not in bold).
  • Give the exact location in the body using anatomical terms. (Ex. Lateral portion of the nose).If not provided, you will receive a 3-point penalty for each organ that doesn’t include the location using the anatomical terms.
  • Provide the physiology of each organ.If the physiology isn’t given, you will receive a 5-point penalty for each organ that doesn’t have a complete physiology.
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