Motor Learning
APA Formatting
Graduate level writing
6 or more pages plus Title and reference page.
9 or more sources that are scholarly and illustrate a high degree of research and technical expertise.
Along with a PowerPoint, you must submit a six-page executive summary of your presentation, with at least nine scholarly APA references and documentation. The reference page is in addition to the six-page executive summary.
The length of the executive summary assignment should be 6 pages plus title and reference page.
Develop a compressive power point presentation where you demonstrate how you would apply two of the following concepts from the field of Motor Learning to the teaching of a movement skill. You must include picture demonstration with descriptive in your wording.
- Your PowerPoint must include an introduction of your skill choice and main teaching objectives.
- Demonstration of how you apply the Motor Learning concepts.
Choose two of the following topics:
- Feedback for a specific skill
- Knowledge of Results
- Knowledge of Performance
- Proprioception
- Freezing the degrees of freedom – take one skill and show us how you would teach it to a novice. Show which joints are frozen and why and then the order of release.
- General Motor Program – choose one GMP and show it in action during two different motor skills. How do the following parameters change:
- Muscles used (will be very similar)
- Order of activation of muscles and de-activation
- Force of muscle contraction
- Duration of muscle contraction
- Practice session for:
- Specific population
- Specific motor skill
- Transfer
- Information Processing:
- Skill display and filter issues
- Short-term memory processes
- Long-term memory and retrieval
- Reinforcement/motivation
- Key internal reinforcers
- Key external reinforcers
- Advantages vs disadvantages of negative reinforcement and punishment
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