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  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

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Background data collection and analysis:

1. Download data on the poverty rate at $1.90/day, $3.20/day, and $5.50/day for China and India for the earliest year available (1990 for China, 1977 for India) and the latest year available (2015 for China, 2011 for India). Use the series Poverty headcount ratio at $1.90 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population), Poverty headcount ratio at $3.20 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population), and Poverty headcount ratio at $5.50 a day (2011 PPP) (% of population).

2. Download GDP per capita for the same years as the poverty data (use GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$)).

3. For China and India separately, calculate the correlation coefficient between GDP per capita and each measure of poverty.

4. Ravallion (2010) calculates the growth elasticity of poverty reduction. Calculate this variable for both China and India by dividing the percentage change in the poverty rate (over the longest period available) by the percentage change in per-capita GDP over the same period. Do this calculation using the $1.90/day poverty rate, the $3.20/day poverty rate, and the $5.50/day poverty rate. Measure the percentage changes using the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) formula given in Assignment 1.


In your essay, describe the changes over time in poverty in China and India. Compare the two countries to each other, and discuss the reasons why you believe these countries have experienced these changes over time. What government policies does Ravallion (2010) identify that have affected poverty in China and India? What does the growth elasticity of poverty reduction tell us?

Detailed Instructions:

Your essay must have a title, an introduction, and a conclusion. Make sure to define your terms and provide appropriate background information. A suggested essay structure contains five paragraphs:

  • a first paragraph that briefly introduces the argument you will make in the essay;
  • and a fifth, concluding, paragraph that briefly describes the main points you have made in the essay.

a second paragraph describing how the various poverty rates have changed over time;

a third paragraph describing how the poverty rate is related to GDP per capita;

a fourth paragraph describing the growth elasticity of poverty reduction and the policies described by Ravallion;

The maximum length is 500 words plus a two-page data appendix; include a word count at the end of your submission. Include the grading rubric as the first page of your submission. Use Chicago or APA style, and write in 11- or 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Provide a bibliography listing the references you use, including the class PowerPoints if relevant. You must submit a hard copy (in class) and an electronic copy (on Brightspace) by the deadline. Please note that the electronic copy will be submitted to anti-plagiarism software.

Data Appendix:

The data appendix should include enough detail for the grader to determine that you downloaded the correct data and performed the calculations accurately; if not all of your data fits on two pages, you may decide to include only the first and last years of information. Required charts and figures go into the body of your essay; any supplemental charts and figures should be placed in your data appendix.


  • Late submissions: -10 points per day, starting immediately after 4:05 p.m.
  • Over 500 words: -1 point for each additional 50 words (e.g., -1 for 501 words, -2 for 551 words, etc).

If you submit only an electronic copy and no hard copy, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

If you submit only a hard copy and no electronic copy, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

No rubric: -1 point.

No data appendix: -2 points.

Data appendix over two pages: -1 point for each additional page.

No word count: -2 points.

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Main que:

What is authentication, authorization, and Accounting? Please provide an example


Authentication: It is the process of providing a user with access to the network. The users like employees want to access the network resources by asking the credentials like username and password. Common methods of authentication are put authentication on console port, AUX ports, etc. A network administrator has the full control on how a user can be authenticated if wanted any access to the networks. Some of the methods of acquiring the authentication include using the local database of that device, sending the authentication request to the external server, etc. In the process of performing the authentication is broken into three parts: Principal (Entity that requests the authorization), Credential (the user provides as the proof of identity like shared key or password, one-time password (OTP), etc.) and Contextual (includes network and physical location of the request made).

Authorization: It is providing the ability to implement the policies of the network resources after the user has access to network through authentication. Authorization is used to determine what resources can be accessed by the user who has the successful authentication to access the networks. Like network administrator determines what operations to be performed by the user. For junior employees, the administrator can create access to the user which allow the user only to perform few operations. There is also a concept called null authorization (no authorization at all) where this is the most common authorization in AAA. After the authentication occurs, the user is granted full access to the network.

Accounting: This provides a way to monitor and track the events performed by the user after having the success authentication granted to the network resources, how long the user has the access. The administration is able to create an accounting activity and also has the authority to specify what should be accounted and to whom the records can be sent. Accounting holds the track history of the users who has the successful authentication like, which clients have the access to the network, what all access they were granted and when the client has been disconnected etc. Accounting is widely used in the Internet Service Provider space.


To use the local database and local running configuration, we need to implement AAA in case of new employees. The first step is to create the users and have the authentication requested to the administrator for access to access the local database. Then the administrator who has the authorization grants the access to the new employee by providing a username or email id and the password to log in and have the successful authentication to access the local database. This user’s events will be tracked by the accounting activity created for this specific user. When there is an issue with accessing the networks or the database, the administrator will access the accounting activity and provide an immediate solution for the issue with the authentication.


hat is authentication, authorization, and Accounting? Please provide an example

In the past decade the cloud services have enabled many organizations and individuals to perform variety types of tasks such as online storage, email services and on demand TV and online shows. With the help of cloud services, the deployment of applications with very cheap cost with elastic and scalable due to fault tolerance system. Authentication and authorization and accounting (AAA) are three mains that helps track the system tracker of the user activities via IP-based network and controlling the access to network resources. A term AAA protocol is often implemented as a dedicated server.

Authentication refers to identifying unique information in each user system in a form of username and password. With the help of system administrators, we are able to monitor, add or delete authorized user in the system.

Example: When a network administrator controls the user authentication when an individual wants to access the network. These methods include local database that could be a router that sends authentication request to an external server. Sometime customized authentication methods are used for default authentication customization.

Authorization refers to the an individual adding or denying any user access in the computer network and its resources. Depending on the limit and their access towards the networks, users are given different authorization level depending on that. This determinization can be based on variety of entities on geographical location, date or time restriction, multiple logins by single individuals frequency associated types of authorization in the services include routing assignments, IP address filtering, bandwidth encryption traffic management.

Example: when a junior engineer who has not given any privilege to access all the resources and would want to access the devices, this were the administration would come into the picture to allow particular commands wherein the view will be created which will allow particular commands to be executed. This is to specify the user in a way is authorized to network resources through local database or ACS server.

Accounting refers to tracking or record keeping of individual activities in an computer network. Some of the examples of accounting would be time period but not limited to accounting time spent towards accessing the network, capacity and trend analysis, network cost allocations, billing data and user authentication and authorization.

Examples of AAA protocols include:

  • Diameter, a successor to Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS)
  • Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS)
  • Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+) a proprietary Cisco Systems protocol that provides access for network servers, routers and other network computing devices.
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Watch the movie Whiplash, and thinking about following authority blindly (Reliance on Authority) as a barrier to critical thinking, answer the following questions.

  1. Following authority blindly is a block to critical thinking as well as an evasion to autonomy. Discuss one to two specific examples of this from the film. Furthermore, is it possible to defy such an authority? If so what might the outcomes be? Explain
  2. Are fear and shame effective ways to motivate? Does Fletcher’s yelling and exertion of authority motivate Andrew? Why or why not? What other approaches could Fletcher have taken to motivate his students? How can someone get the most and best out of someone else and help make the person great?
  3. How does Fletcher use a system of privilege to maintain his authority? Consider the maintenance of masculinity, sexism, and homophobia as tools Fletcher uses. How do others in the band respond to this authority?
  • Each response should be a well thought out paragraph – this should be a minimum of 2 pages.
  • This is considered a formal writing assignment. One of the main rules of writing formal, academic papers is to avoid using second person. Second person refers to the pronoun you. Formal papers should not address the reader directly.

Source: YouTube Video

You should be able to find the movie on various websites. I believe FMovies has it available for free. It is also available in our SCC library to check out on DVD. For those of you that have not seen this movie it is rather good, but pretty intense.

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After reading the obituary, post the link here, along with an explanation of what you think makes the obituary worth reading – based on what you have learned through the readings this week. Your answer should be about 300 words.

LINK OF obituary:…

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The Coca-Cola Co NYSE: KO

Report Layout

  1. Write a 2- to 3-page ( a full page typically has at least 300 words) report, single spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point font, with a double space between paragraphs.
  2. Please keep your report to no more than 3 pages.
  3. Page count does not include title page, tables and exhibits, table of contents, and reference list.
  4. Include a title page (include your name on the title page). Use headings in your report such as Statement of Owners’ Equity and Statement of Cash Flows (topics from the textbook); other examples would be Balance Sheet and Income Statement.
  5. Include a brief introduction of your company as well as a conclusion/summary at the end. The bulk of your report should cover the accounting topics in Weeks 1 and 2 (Owners’ Equity, Financial Ratios and Statement of Cash Flows) as well as the Balance Sheet and Income Statement. ACCT 221 is not identical to ACCT 220. Discussions continue through week 5.
  6. You will also be required to include the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Owners’ Equity, and Statement of Cash Flows as attachments to your report. You can cut and paste directly from the SEC 10-K Report. These are considered attachments and are not part of the required page count for the report.
  7. APA style is required for citations and a reference list. Include in text citations. The reference list is the most important.
  8. Your report should use one-inch margins on the left, right, top, and bottom of each page, and font set at 12 point.

What were the corporation’s net sales, cost of goods sold, and gross profit?

Net Sales=75,462 (millions)

Cost of goods sold= 44,914(millions)

Gross profit=30,548(millions)

(Page 104)

What was the corporate tax rate? This should be an item in the notes to the financial statement. Required disclosure usually explains the federal statutory rate and a reconciliation to the actual tax rate of the company each year.

21% (Page 42)

Read the Statement of Comprehensive Income. Notice the first line is the net income from the Income Statement. Accumulated other comprehensive net income (or net loss) is an item in the Statement of Owners’ Equity section and in the Balance Sheet. Post the value from the Balance Sheet and comment on whether this item is increasing or decreasing (take care with the concept of change and net income or net loss).

Accumulated other comprehensive net income is increasing.

December 31, 2017 – (1,283) (millions)

December 31, 2018 – (6,476) (millions)

(Page 72)

What items appear under Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)?

Net foreign currency translation adjustments

Net gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities

Net unrealized gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities

Net change in pension and other benefit liabilities

(Page 72)

What is the account and the amount of the bottom-line item on the Statement (or Consolidated Statement) of Comprehensive Income?

Comprehensive income – 4,334 (millions)

(Page 72)

Link to the Coca cola 10k report for the company is here.…

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Assisted suicide has become an option in a number of states where the patient is given a chance to take charge of the fate of the life in cases where there is no hope of the patient recovering. As a result, states have passed laws that seek to guide the doctors and the patients towards the right way of following up with this process. In this case, the practice involves physician helping a patient who is suffering terminate their life upon the patient’s request. This research looks at assisted suicide in the moral as well as the ethical aspect of it. In most of the cases the patient who opts for this seeks to preserve their respect by relieving themselves and their family the pain and suffering through dying when they are on their right state of mind. The moral question, in this case, revolves around whether assisted suicide is right or should the patients be allowed to suffer until they die?

Assisted death refers to the act of intentionally ending the life of the patients who are ill and shows no hopeful signs of recovery. The process is legal in most of the states and is through a stipulated procedure that involves medical guidance and the consent of the patient. In most cases, it is done through lethal injection as this is one of the ways of ensuring that the patient doesnt feel any pain. It is paramount that this is differentiated with Euthanasia which refers to the act of mercy killing and this isnt initiated by the patients themselves. Notably, this has been an issue of concern since the term suicide is sensitive in a society where life is considered to be the most precious gift. Killing isnt allowed in the society and this couples assisted suicide with moral and ethical issues that are constantly debated today.

Annual Statistics from the department of public health relate that over 577 individuals in 2017 were injected with lethal drugs and resulted in their death. This is a clear indication that the method is becoming prevalent in society. The moral concern, however, is one of the issues that conflict this method with many states debating on whether to allow this method or not. Notably, society is built on the value of life and hope and these are virtues that should never be taken away from any individual at any time as they are the basis of life. As result, this method is illegal in most European countries except Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Belgium; which constitutes a list of the sovereign states. In the united states, however, assisted suicide has been allowed in 9 jurisdictions namely Colorado, Maine, Washington, Hawaii, Vermont, New Jersey, Montana, and Oregon. As other states continue to implement and discuss on this matter, religious institutions have also played part in this and have made a request that even the minors be given the right to request for assisted suicide.

It is critical to note that when the laws are being passed with regard to this, various restrictions are put in place to ensure that the process is carried in the right manner and not misused to commit crime. For instance, in the case of Washington, these rules are stipulated in the Death and Dignity act and Pensce (2015).

Additionally, the main concern of society revolves around the ethicality and permissibility of this practice. The fact that only 9 states out of the 50 in the united states have passed the law is clear evidence on this matter. In the rest of the states, this kind of activity is considered a crime and punishable by the law with challenges ranging from murder to manslaughter. Cohen et al (1994) relate that a study conducted on physicians with the aim of determining their view on PAD notes that this should only be used as the last option and is never encouraged in any case. In this case, the research notes that the restrictions placed stipulate that this option is only available to patients who have less than six months to live after doctors analysis. In addition, the decision has to be gradual tie ensure that the patient isnt making this decision on rush or carelessness. However, despite the skill and knowledge that a doctor has, they can never accurately predict the lifespan of patient with precision especially in the case of mental patients. Therefore, this option is only availed to the mentally stable patients who are tired of the illness and have minimal chances of surviving. proponents of assisted suicide argue that in the case where the patient has minimal chances of surviving and has been suffering for a long time, it is only right to relive the family the aim of watching their loved ones suffer while at the same time giving the patient a chance to die in dignity.

For instance, take the case of Matt Fairchil, a terminally ill patient who was suffering from metastatic melanoma at an advanced state and this was spreading throughout his brain. Matt Fairchil was interviewed by CNN and related his journey with the disease. Over a long period of time, he had gone through a series of medication, chemo and even thirty rounds of Keytruda but his state wasnt getting better. Even though he never wanted to give up and had been strong and brave for a long time, he wanted to have his life ended peacefully under his terms. We introduced to Brittany Maynard an advocate for death with dignity who once more opened the topic on assisted deaths. She journeyed from California to Oregon just to take advantage of the act. Realizing that she had brain cancer, she became scared. She never wanted her body to experience the effects the tumor will cause. She was aided in death. She even had enough time to go peruse through her bucket list. (Compassion and Choices), this end choice has been of importance since it has granted me peace through hard moments that would otherwise be ruled by fear, pain, and uncertainty.

Opponents of assisted suicide argue on the ethicality of terminating things as valuable as life. The United States Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Judge Neil Gorsuch strongly opposes the Assisted Death acts. In his book, (The Future of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia) he states that humans are all valuable, and taking their lives willfully by private persons is deemed wrong. When asked what should be done to a patient who was tired of tolerating the pain, Judge Gorsuch said that the practitioners must seek all the possible ways to lower the pain instead of aiding the patient in death. Further arguments speak of the possibility of implementing the patient’s will by the doctor using force. Dr. Kevorkain claimed to have aided 130 patients to die. (Wikipedia) 60% of his victims were never terminally ill. Despite being imprisoned for 8 years, he maintained the belief that he was right in his deeds.

Besides, it is paramount to note that assisted driving could be used by the patientsas an easy way to end their life when they are annoyed by certain illnesses. Besides doctors are mandated to save the lives of the patients as opposed to taking ort in ending them, assisted deaths go again its the very nature of the medical professional which is providing care and healing. Other than this, there are possibilities of misdiagnosis where often a patient may be deemed as terminally ill when they arent and ends up living beyond the predicted time.

To sum this up, human life is precious and should never be taken away. However, the questions linger on this topic especially in the cases involving terminal illness; why allow someone to suffer when there is no hope of better treatment? Why cant the family is spared on the medical expenses and suffering of watching their relatives die with nothing that can be one? Why cant the patient be allowed to have power over their life? But life is based on virtues that human life is precious and hope should never be taken away. In addition, what if there is a misdiagnosis and the patient actually had a chance to live. These are questions that revolve around this topic thus making it more complicated. However, the advancement of technology in medicine has resulted in better treatment and management of diseases that could have otherwise been considered as a threat to human life, and this should result in minimal cases of assisted suicides. However, the topic should be discussed widely and balance established on the matter.

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Using the information you have read in Latterell’s introduction to Chapter 1 of Remix, and your understanding of her assumptions, answer the questions below.

A) Which assumptions about personal identity that are presented in Latterell’s introduction to Chapter 1 do Lucy Grealy and Firoozeh Dumas focus on in their essays? Explain with examples from the readings. Cite the page number or location number [if you are using the ebook] in ( ) in MLA format.

B) How are the points that Grealy and Dumas make in their essays valid for all readers? Give specific reasons that are supported by examples from their essays. Cite the page number or location number [if you are using the ebook] in ( ) in MLA format.

C) Why do you think Grealy and Dumas each chose to write about this subject? Explain in your own words.

Clearly list your answers in A/B/C format in short paragraphs of at least 3 complex sentences.

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  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Assignment: 1

Submission Date by students: Before the end of Week- 7th

Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre

Weight: 05 Marks

Learning Outcome:

1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.

2. Demonstrate the ability to understand complex issues pertaining to supply chain integration and strategic supply chain partnership.

Assignment Workload:

This assignment is an individual assignment.

Critical Thinking

The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should review about these companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.

Suggest logistics performance priorities for any ONE of the following, explaining why you have come to your conclusions:

1) FLYNAS (A low fare Airline)

2) DOMINOS (A fast food chain)

The Answer should be 3- 4 pages in length including the cover and appendices, with 1″ margins on all sides, double-spacing, and 12 point font. The cover of the report should include title, course code and name, your full name, and your University id number.

The Answer must follow the outline points below:

1. Executive summary (no more than one page)

– Summarize what is logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools have been applied to achieve the company’s objective.

2. Background information

– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).

3. Problem Description

– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.

– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.

4. Application of logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools that can be applied

– Describe what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools can be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.

5. Analysis of expected results

– Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.

6. References

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