• Questions:
  • What is the value of Security Plans, Policies, Procedures, and Models? (What is the purpose or
  • values of each and how do they relate to each other?) (in terms of data context)
  • Share any experience involving “dirty data” from your personal or working environment. (If you cannot identify one, provide a hypothetical situation.) Give a reasonable explanation for it and how it could have been prevented. Discuss how data pre-processing would address this issue. Be sure to relate your discussion with the textbook readings in order to get full credit.
  • What is discretization?
  • Provide a one-paragraph discussion for each of equalinterval, equal frequency, k-means clustering discretization.
  • Compare and contrast the discretization methods above providing at least one example of when you would use each one.
  • Discussion of when and why variables should be removed from a dataset.
  • Why is it important to handle missing values in your dataset prior to beginning your primary data analysis? Provide a one-paragraph, masters-level response in your own words.
  • Describe at least one alternative approach for handling missing values other than replacing the values with the attribute mean. Provide a one-paragraph, masters-level response in your own words.
  • Discus where you provide at least two reasons why data should be sorted.
  • Discus in a one-paragraph, masters-level interpretation of what the plot function shows.

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Of the 6 ethical guidelines, which do you feel is the most important? Discuss the impact that guideline could have on your readers.

source using APA style.

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Submit your reflection paper by the last day of this module

Module 1 – Why Study Ethics? Ethics and Ethical Reasoning

Module 2 – Religion, Global Ethics, Equality, & Discrimination

Module 3 – Ethical Relativism

Module 4 – Egoism, Altruism, and The Social Contract

Module 5 – Utilitarianism and John Stuart Mill

Module 6 – Deontological Ethics and Immanuel Kant

Module 7 – Natural Law and Human Rights

Module 8 – Virtue Ethics

Module 9 – Global Justice and Globalization, Violence and War

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Online Case Study

Chapter 4: Consumption in B2C vs. B2B


Wales is a small country. It is characterised by small enterprises and small local authorities, and indeed a small government – the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). Even the cities are small: Cardiff, the capital and largest city, has a population of around 350,000 people. Despite being small, Wales has a strong sense of patriotism, and has a unique culture distinct from the rest of the UK.

This sense of patriotism, of Welshness, has led to a major initiative by the WAG. WAG has set up a system whereby Welsh companies and entrepreneurs can register to be informed of upcoming tenders and contracts for all WAG departments, universities, National Health Service trusts and local authorities in the country. The website acts as a one-stop shop for suppliers and buyers, so that buyers can easily register their requirements and obtain access to a large group of suppliers, while at the same time suppliers can register for automatic email alerts when potentially attractive tenders come up. Even in a small country the total spend by the public sector runs into billions of pounds a year, money which can be crucial to firms in Wales.

In addition, the Sell2Wales site publicises help and events for businesses. WAG offers a business advice service, including mentoring for small firms, and also provides workshops and seminars on topics such as tendering for contracts and supply chain management.

Obviously the site has to be open to companies from anywhere in the UK, and even (at the time of writing) the European Union, but the bulk of companies registered on the site are based within Wales, if only because many of the tenders are for services. Thus much of the money remains within Wales, supporting the Welsh economy.

For example, Kelray Building Maintenance Ltd is a company based in Merthyr Tydfil, a notoriously depressed area which suffers from high unemployment levels. Managing Director Carl Raynes registered with Sell2Wales almost at the outset, and has had many contracts from local authorities for the maintenance of social housing stock. A one-year contract for Torfaen County Borough Council involved Kelray in refurbishing empty houses to provide housing for homeless people, a project which not only earned money for the company but which also provided work for the extra people needed to service the contract. Another example is Ocon Fire and Security Ltd. Ocon was established in 2006, and now employs 27 people in two locations: one in West Wales and another in England. Ocon uses Sell2Wales extensively, and has secured contracts with Pembrokeshire County Council, Dyfed Powys Police, and Murco oil refinery. The company website says:

For Ocon, the advantage of using Sell2Wales is that the information for upcoming contracts is e-mailed to us every morning instead of our sales team having to chase procurement departments constantly to get information on upcoming tender opportunities. This allows our sales team the time to grow the business in other areas instead of constantly chasing for information on the larger tenders coming up.

The Sell2Wales website allows suppliers to enter keywords and filters so that they only receive relevant information, rather than being bombarded with every tender that comes up. This saves a great deal of time, which for a small company is important because such firms often do not have sufficient staff to dedicate to trawling through large amounts of information. Some businesses are tiny: even microbusinesses comprising one or two people have successfully used Sell2Wales.

From the buyer’s viewpoint, sourcing a suitable supplier could not be easier. All the buyer needs to do is establish the criteria for a tender and post it on the website. Sell2Wales notifies suitable companies, who can then bid. The buyer then simply chooses the company that best fits the specification. Sell2Wales has been a tremendous success, acting as a facilitator for small businesses who may not have the commercial selling expertise that a large firm would have. For a small country with small businesses and small customers, Sell2Wales is the ideal solution.


1.Why would a buyer use Sell2Wales?

2.What might be the disadvantages of using Sell2Wales, from a supplier’s viewpoint?

3.Why might there be a bias in favour of Welsh companies?

4.Why does WAG offer business advice to small firms?

5.What are the key factors in the success of Sell2Wales?

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Provide a clear and complete comparison of primary, secondary, and dyssocial psychopaths.

Post should be at least 250 words with one in-text citation with a reference page.

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Write a discussion on Research article: Gender Differences in the Perception and Use of E-mail: An Extension to the Technology Acceptance Model. Discussion should contain Theory, Research&analysis and conclusion. Article must from MIS qurterly.

Write on own words no plagiarism

References should be from MIS qurterly and must in APA format.

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Many of the early examples of literature that we’ve studied so far give us male protagonists. While we are given complex and complicated characters in leading roles, the minor characters help shape the character arcs and plot development in significant ways. Additionally, in other genres, namely lyric poetry, we are given some insight into those other than the traditional “epic hero.”

Using the readings from the syllabus, as well as secondary sources, write an essay which analyzes the role of females characters and/ or female voices in the ancient literature we’ve read so far.

At a minimum, you should analyze at least four different characters from multiple works. To supplement your analysis, research perspectives from scholars, historians, or other critics and use those views to supplement or provide counterpoints to your own analysis.

Cite in MLA format and include a Works Cited page and in-text citations. See Canvas for more help with MLA method. The suggested length is 5-6 pages. The essay is due Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at midnight, posted to Canvas.

MLA Help

I will attach two files on is the photo of the book and the other file is more details

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For this assignment, you will demonstrate your developing understanding of analytics that might be used within a marketing analytics function. Remember: each of the frameworks that you are learning in this course is just one lens in an organization. That means you will also need to think about how this data lives at the intersection of the marketing department and the finance department.

Below, imagine you are an analyst at Fresh Direct and as a result of your terrific work in the past, both the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the organization need you to help them with separate, but related projects. Each person has asked you to author a one-page memo (two memos, so two pages total) to answer the question they have using your new skills with customer segmentation. You will also need to submit a third brief response (300 words) to the CEO.

In addition to what will be covered in the live session, please review this material as well (Links to an external site.). https://www.lynda.com/Business-Skills-tutorials/Customer-Segmentation/379411-2.html


FreshDirect is an online-only grocery home delivery service. Begin this assignment by reading this brief outline of the services and background provided by FreshDirect. This presentation also contains some important information about how FreshDirect classifies its loyal customers that might be helpful for this assignment.

FreshDirect Background Information (attachment 1)

Then, consider this dataset. For this assignment, you are given a complete set of data with descriptions (a true luxury!). After you have reviewed this data, consider the questions from the CFO and COO. Recall that you will need to submit a one-page memo to each. A third question question from the CEO follows.

  1. Question from CFO: Our sales our down and we need to make more money! I am willing to invest in marketing campaigns with a couple of targeted customer populations, but am not sure how many customer segments and/or which customer segments I should select to provide the best chance at increasing our sales. Which customer segments should we select and why?
  2. Question from the COO: We have a limited number of deliveries that we can make each day and I would like to understand where we should be focusing our efforts by better understanding our customers. For example, if there are certain areas in our delivery zone where a lot of our customers are located, perhaps we could come up with new delivery techniques to increase our capacity for deliveries in those zones without a lot of investment. Can you help me better understand how our customers are segmented geographically so that we can better utilize our delivery infrastructure?
  3. Finally, the CEO has heard that you are doing some great work and would like a summary of the analytics you are putting together for the CFO and COO. Please provide in 300 words a brief summary of your analysis and key findings for the CEO.


This assignment is assessed based on your ability to describe the analytics that are used to understand the customer journey and sales funnel. This includes considering and justifying how your market segmentation should be considered and how marketing effectiveness can be assessed. You will also be assessed based on the clarity and brevity of your work. You should submit three memos that are appropriately written for the audience and that demonstrate your ability to communicate about analytics to others inside of the organization. Lastly, remember that this is not a frameworks course; though you are welcome to practice analytical techniques on this data, you are not required to as part of this assignment and you will not need to in order to answer the questions above.

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researched, clear response to questions

7 References (scholarly)

2100 words min. not including title page, abstract, references.

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10 page research paper Topic-Choose a topic on the history and treatment of any medical condition. (Examples-cancer, AIDS, depression, concussions, sports injuries steroid abuse, or any topic that you desire to learn more about).

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