1. A summary of the following article: John Fernald and Bing Wang. “The Recent Rise and Fall of Rapid Productivity Growth,” FRBSF Economic Letter February 9, 2015.(PDF Attached)

In the summary, please try to capture the essence of the article (for example, what is the objective of the paper, data and methodology employed, major finding and conclusions of the paper, AND ANY LIMITATION(S) OF THE STUDY OR WAYS YOU THINK THE PAPER CAN BE IMPROVED). A maximum of 2 pages long, using Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1 inch margins, 1.5 or double spaced

2.In a separate document, write a 500 word (one page) single spaced essay on the following topic.(In the global economy of the 21st century, what international country do you think MBA students should visit? Provide at least five (5) rationales to support your country of choice. Your writing sample should include at least two (2) sources properly cited in APA citation style) Your essay should demonstrate grammatical skill, compositional skill, and fundamental knowledge of the topic.


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Discussion post, 300-400 words responding to the following prompt:

As the seventeenth century gave way to the eighteenth, New England grew steadily in wealth and population. Yet this growth carried with it certain challenges of a cultural and social nature, as the wealth tended to stratify the population while challenges established norms of behavior. Describe these broad social and cultural changes that were linked to the economic development.

size 12 times new roman double spaced

attached are sources. cite all sources.

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Critical Thinking: Weight:5 Marks

Technology is molding our world at a speed unimaginable, just few decades ago. Communication mainly has created, a business environment focused on effectiveness, value and speed. Companies that focus on speed, cost and quality are the only ones who have been successful to survive and prosper in today’s environment as they deal with a broad spectrum of contemporary challenges.The effective management of technology as a source of competitive advantage is of vital importance for many organizations. Virtually every company today sees itself as technology intensive. To operate a technology based business the requirement is of new leadership and managerial skills that focus on the knowledge generators i.e. the human resource of the enterprise.

Select any high technology organization and answer the following questions on its basis.

Q1- Analyze your selected company in terms of its technology supporting infrastructure and resource function. What changes would you recommend?

Q2- What strategic decisions and directions at your selected company were key to the company’s success.

Q3- Develop an assessment tool (i.e. checklist) for measuring the technological intensity of your selected enterprise.

Answers to these questions may vary as per the student’s personal understanding and analytical ability.

Facilitators are requested to award marks dynamically as per the students work.

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1.Hello Everyone,

It seems that there are different definitions for organized crime but it essentially is a group of individuals who have some kind of organization or structure and use their positions for more harm than good with a main goal of obtaining money and possibly power. Most organized crime happens in groups of possibly three or more people but that doesn’t mean they are all in the same place. Organized criminal organizations have little to no respect for the laws that govern what ever country they are located in.

There are different models but in reading it seems that the main one is a bureaucracy which has pros and cons (as with most bureaucracies). In a bureaucracy, there is more structure and different levels of leadership along with strict guidelines on who can communicate with who. Another part would be compartmentalization, having small groups of people called cells in different areas which in organized crime can be beneficial especially for police raids and such. Organized crime can also come in forms of strict ethnicity , friendship, etc.

2.Organized crime is a criminal group or enterprise that often operates with some sort of hierarchy to those involved. Often we will see different responsibilities or purposes at the different ranks or levels within the organization. Ranks levels or positions do not have to be dependent on skill and can be filled by any means whether is it skill, social connection or many other factors.

I would believe one of the most notorious examples of organized crime would be La Cosa Nostra or the Mafia. La Costra Nosa translated into english means “this thing of ours”. Often involving sicilian or italian members these organized crime rings have been around for a very long time and are very well organized with their own rules, structure and hierarchy within.

There are various models that came make up the structure of the organization and it wildly varies. It can be dependent on the type of organization whether it is strictly only peers or friends or nationality based and many other factors. There are always different types within the structures as each hierarchy is different.

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create a chart comparing at least 3 leadership models presented in this week’s reading. In a 250-word response, reflect on how these models compare to your personal results in the Week 1 leadership style evaluation.

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All organizations in the country employ people. Employment laws impact everyone, regardless if you are actively employed or not. As employers continue to control costs associated with claims from employees, employers have commonly turned to arbitration agreements. These agreements normally require employees to waive any right or protection afforded by joining a class action and instead forces each individual employee to take the claims before an individual arbitration. The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decided this year in Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis by a narrow margin of 5-4 that employers could enforce these arbitration agreements.

In your assignment this week please explain why the court got this correct AND explain why the court was wrong. Lastly, if you were the 10th justice how would you vote and why?

This link should provide you with details on the case: https://www.oyez.org/cases/2017/16-285

Click on the left hand side under “Opinions” for full details.

Your paper should be 400

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  • Discussion: Strategic Planning and Organizational Restructuring
    • Imagine you are the HR director of a growing international staffing organization that services both North America and South America. The CEO has come to grips that the HR group, which is currently decentralized, is in need of restructuring to account for the expected increase in revenues. The CEO has asked for your opinion on how to best restructure the firm. Based upon your knowledge, recommend an organizational structure (e.g., functional, matrix, or projectized) that will provide growth for the firm. Also, assess the influence that this project will have on the customers (who are located throughout the Americas) that are serviced by the HR group.

    2:Select one of the following case studies (located in your textbook): Then complete the following:

    • Add your opinion about the choices and decisions being made—if this was your company would you make this choice?
    • What would you do differently?


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In a Word document, prepare a 2-3 page (500-900 words) written response to the following question and submit it through BB: Define the telecommunication software? What are the three basic Network topologies and who they can work for you?


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Please with the instructions and you will complete this task twice. There are two different students in the same class so these tasks need to be different in wording so that it does not get flagged as plagiarism. When you were done you should upload two differentword documents


Guidelines for Literature/Film Project

Literature is frequently the subject of movies on the big screen and on television. Have you ever read a book or short story and then watched a movie based on it? If not, do a little research. There are many, many examples. Just google books turned into movies. Choose one book that has also been the basis for a movie to compare and contrast.

Use Times New Roman, 12 pt. font and double space your one page paper on the comparison and contrast, observing MLA format for the first page heading and page numbers and demonstrating the guidelines for standard English. Use flowing paragraphs, not numbered answers to complete the assignment but include all of the information required.

The following elements must be covered in the paper to receive full credit:

1. Include the title of the book and film.

2. Name the author of the work and the director of the movie.

3. Specify whether the piece of literature is fiction or nonfiction and whether it is a novel, short story, or essay. In film language, is it a drama or comedy or something else?

4. Discuss main characters, plot, setting, and theme of the work.

5. Discuss the differences noted in the book and movie version.

6. Include one quote from a scholar on the book and one quote from a movie review on the film.

7. Include a bibliography in MLA format for the source of the two quotations used for your paper. For current MLA guidelines go to owl.english@purdue.edu .

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Question: Recommend two options or approaches that cloud service providers can implement to protect subscriber data.

Note: Keep in mind, there is a balance to be struck between relying on trusted processes and security policies and achieving operational agility especially when subscriber data is at stake.


  • Need minimum 500 words
  • Need 5 APA References (Use 2015 and above sources)
  • No plagiarism please
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