Make sure your response addressing the following questions is more than 200 words and that you include an in-text citation or a brief quote from the reading material where appropriate. What is internal control and how can it protect a company’s assets? What are the various internal control procedures with respect to cash receipts and payments? When preparing a bank reconciliation, what are the different adjustments that affect the book and bank side? Why do journal entries need to be prepared after completing the bank reconciliation? Provide three example journal entries with a description of the adjustment.

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What impact did the disarmament conferences, congressional hearings, political group memberships, and peace movements of the 1920s and 1930s have on the U.S. military in the wake of war? Your response should be at least 750 words in length. Be thorough with your writing. The minimum length requirement is just that – a bare minimum. As with all aspects of life, the minimum should not be your goal. Always support your arguments using specific historical information from your readings. An unsupported argument is just an opinion. Write in a way that will convince your skeptical reader of your arguments. Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors before submitting your work. Clear writing is crucial to nearly all professions, so try to improve your craft with each essay.

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12 pages Introduction Provide a summary of the general nature of the issue on which are writing your paper. Include a description as to why is this issue is significant and meaningful in the field of the psychology of human sexuality? Include Author (date) or (Author, date) citations as appropriate. This section can be done in about one page. Background Describe the background of the issue in the larger context in the field of psychology and sexuality. Include citations and to sources that form the basis for the background of this issue (see note below regarding acceptable sources). This section can be done in about a page. Statement of the Issue Provide a clear and succinct statement of the specific issue as it emerges from the introduction and background. Here you will want the focus to be narrow enough that so that you can explore the literature in this area in an in-depth way in a paper of between 12 and 15 pages. Here also, include citations to sources (see note below regarding acceptable sources). This section can be done in about a page. Definition of Terms List and describe the key concepts and terms, as defined by the authors whose work will be central to your paper. Remember that the use of dictionaries, encyclopedias, and web-sites are not acceptable sources for defining terms or in the rest of your paper. This section can be done in about a page. Literature While all of the sections of the paper are important, this is an essential component of your paper, in which you describe the scholarly literature on the specific issue that you wish to examine in your paper. You can include theory, however the intended focus for the paper is more on empirical research, so if you have had difficulty finding research articles on your topic, you will want to consider reframing your topic in a way that you will be able to describe relevant empirical research in your paper. For the final paper, include at least ten citations to current scholarly sources so that you are providing a good picture of the scholarly literature in the area on which you are writing. This section is a major part of the paper and can be done in about four to six (4-6) pages. Evaluation and Critique This is another very important section of your final paper, where you go beyond simply describing the literature. In this section, you will be evaluating and critiquing the scholarly literature that you have read and described in the literature section. For example, how has theory and current research in this specific area contributed to our understanding of this issue? What are the limitations of the theory and current research in the current literature in this specific area of human sexuality? This section is also an important component of the paper and can be done in about two to three (2-3) pages. Summary and Future Directions Summarize what you have discovered in your examination of your topic. Indicate some specific directions you think would be helpful for future theory and research in this area of human sexuality. This section can be done in about one page. Reference List Using APA style formatting, list the references here, for your sources, keeping in mind that you want a full reference for each citation that you provide in your outline/paper and vice-versa. This means that you will have references for not only the literature section (at least 10) but for the other sections in which you have citations as well. Please also keep in mind that APA reference formatting varies depending for example on whether the source is a book, a journal article, or a book chapter. You will want to convert the information that you see in the online databases, to APA style reference format. APA Style Paper organization, spelling, grammar, correctly formatted citations for all sources; citations to back up all statements based on the use of sources; correct use of statistical terms; correct use of quotations that include quote marks, authors, dates, and page numbe…

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Assignment 3: Presenting the Training Plan Refer to both Assignments 1 and 2 in order to complete this assignment. Project Presentation Present your Training Plan using a presentation software tool with at least ten (10) main topics / slides in your presentation. Include a title slide and references section. Note : These two (2) slides are not part of the ten (10) slide requirement. Develop a creative, appealing presentation for a professional audience, using two to three (2-3) colors, two to three (2-3) fonts, and two to three (2-3) visuals in your presentation. Provide coherent, clear, organized, and substantive content that can be easily understood by the audience. Provide audio narration of the presentation slides as if you were delivering the speech. Note: If you do not have access to a microphone, then you should provide detailed speaker notes with your presentation. Create a section of the presentation in which you: Provide a brief overview of the organization. Specify the task(s) for which the training is being developed as well as the most significant elements or steps for performing each one. Describe at least five (5) characteristics of the intended audience for the training. Explain the two (2) strategies to incorporate key aspect of the selected theoretical model into the design and delivery of the planned training. Describe the instructional settings for the training being. Illustrate the instructional activities for deliver training on the task(s). Indicate all needed technology components that you plan to integrate into the training. Propose a timeline for development and implementation of the training. Propose three strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the training during and after development. Develop a conclusion for the presentation that includes lessons learned. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: References must follow APA format. Include a cover slide containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover slide and the reference slide are not included in the required assignment slide length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: Analyze social, economic, cultural contexts and demographics that influence who adult learners are and what they learn. Analyze the basic principles of selected teaching and learning theories. Evaluate the methods that businesses and other post-secondary education environments use to respond to adult learning needs. Analyze the principles of andragogy and selected models of adult learning. Use technology and information resources to research issues, current trends, theories, and learning strategies for adult learning and development. Write clearly and correctly about issues in adult learning and development using proper writing mechanics.

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you will see some editing in the same document from my doctor please do that to me. this is what my professor said I’m afraid you missed the point, Yousef. Your COOP does a good job of describing what a COOP should contain and why it should be there. However, it does not state what the ARC would actually do if a need arises. Your COOP is also missing a budget and multi-year planning. See attached for more description. I would be willing to revise your grade if you make the changes and send me the new one

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WEEK 4 ASSIGNMENT Read the chapters from the sections of the Text, as assigned. Read the article, From Causes to Conditions in Group Research (Hackman, 2012).… Read the article, The New Science of Building Great Teams (Pentland, 2012).… PART 1: After completing your readings for Week 4, compare and contrast the three sources. What is similar among them? What is dissimilar? PART 2: Assume you are an employee that is a member of a team.Based on your readings, what will you need to do as a team member to assist in making this team a “high-performing” one? PART 3: Assume you are a manager over numerous teams in a large organization.Again, based on your readings, What will you need to do to assist in making each team a “high-performing” one ? What management techniques/skills might be used for the different types of teams in one organization to make them all “high-performing?” LOGISTICS: Include a running head in your APA document that includes your name Use headings to guide your reader (and grader) through your sections and thought processes Include a References page Cite and reference in APA format from any sources that you use.Remember: I do not accept any “Google-type” search results, such as “.com” web pages. If you include a reference in your references page, it must be cited somewhere in the document If you cite in your paper, which you should do, make sure you include it in your references list If you copy text from a source (even if you change a word here or there), insure that you format it as a quote in APA format. Submit to Turnitin Week 4 Assignment; insure it is 20% or less; and then resubmit your final version to the Revision folder for Week 4. Maximum page length (double-spaced):4 Minimum current references: 2 in addition to these three resources.

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Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the assigned chapter in your textbook and watch the video Induction and Scientific Reasoning (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. . Your instructor will choose the discussion question and post it as the first post in the discussion forum. Answer all the questions in the prompt, and read any resources that are required to complete the discussion properly. One of the most common inferences in life is the inference to the best explanation (sometimes called abductive reasoning ). We use this type of reasoning to infer what would best explain the things that we see. Chapter 6 in our book demonstrates ways in which this type of reasoning helps us to explain the world around us. Prepare : Review Section 6.5 of the course text on Inferences to the Best Explanation. Choose a topic that is difficult or controversial to explain. Some good topics include hoaxes, unusual sightings (e.g. UFOs, bigfoot, etc.), the supernatural or paranormal (ghosts, levitation, etc.), conspiracy theories, unsolved crimes, court cases, etc. Reflect : Do a little research to find a specific topic and learn about explanations on both sides. Consider what you think might best explain the observed facts of the case. Write : Explain the topic you chose and why it is interesting or controversial. Present good arguments on more than one side of the issue (e.g. competing explanations of the facts). Analyze both arguments that you have presented. Then present your own argument for your theory that you feel will best explain this phenomenon. Are there any holes in your theory? Is there any information that would be likely to strengthen or weaken your case?

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Use the following chapters located in the
attachment to help complete DQ’s below. (NO REPEATING OF INFORMATION) (NO
PLAGIARISM) (FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW located in attachment) please cite and
add references from the book . If you have any
questions please feel free to ask. Read Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing, Ch. 6: Combining and Expanding Your Ideas. 1.) Write your thoughts on Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing, Ch. 6: Combining and Expanding Your Ideas. Between 90-100 words. 2.)(Respond back to post between 90-100 words) Before reading this chapter, I never really knew anything about independent or dependent clauses. In high school, I was the student who did just enough to get by with a decent grade point average. When reading this chapter, I discovered the difference and how to use them effectively. I mean I have use them in my writing in school, but never really knew what I was doing. My teachers would read my writing make corrections and I would correct them not even learning about them. I now know what they are, and I believe I can use them effectively. These chapters that we have been reading are helping me more than I know, and I am excited about that! Read Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing, Ch. 14: Using Methods of Organization, Goal 3 – Write Using Example. 3.)Write your thoughts on Pathways: Scenarios for Sentence and Paragraph Writing, Ch. 14: Using Methods of Organization, Goal 3 – Write Using Example. Between 90-100 words. 4.)(Respond back to post between 90-100 words )It will help if you are create your topic sentence in a way where your audience can understand your feelings or impression towards the topic you choose. When you organize your essay in a way that will ensure your main topic is supported with mainly facts and descriptive language you will avoid any irrelevant information. As you construct your way towards your conclusion your audience will understand your main point and overall impression with more clarity.

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Your assignment is to use the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, the strategies for wellness and academic success, and the Transtheoretical Model to create a personal Wellness Action Plan. Submit your plan (use the questions below as a guide) in the Canvas text box. The first step in determining your Wellness Action Plan involves asking yourself some questions. Start with a list of things that you want to improve. Choose a specific item from your list to focus on. Your Wellness Action Plan should include the following: Your Path to Change 1. What do you need to do? 2. What needs to change in your life for you to accomplish your desire? State the change as specifically as you can. For example, you might state your goal as: I want to increase my daily activity. Your Committed Path to Change What are you making a commitment to do? Choose an initial step that is easy and doable and that will get you moving. Similar to a map, chart your course to your chosen desire. Create strategies that are challenging without being too much. Be specific Write down what you will do and by when Write down how you will measure your success For example, if you want to increase daily activity, your list might include using an app to track calories burned, drinking more water, walking to class, and going to group fitness classes at the gym 3 times a week. In terms of deadlines, you might say that you will make an appointment with for a free Fitness Equipment Orientation at the Campus Rec fitness center within two weeks and that you will go to one group exercise class before the end of the week. You might measure your success by drinking 8 glasses of water everyday and doing 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days out of the week. Challenges to Your Change – What are you up against? 1. List the obstacles that are in your way or you believe could prevent you from reaching your desired destination. For example: When I have a lot of schoolwork, I neglect my physical activity. Strategies to Meet the Challenges – How can you overcome the hurdles in your way? 1. Create specific strategies to help you make adjustments in your life or avoid things that will hold you back. For example: When I’m under deadlines for tests, I will make my activity shorter, but I will not skip it. Sources of Support Who can share this journey with you and support you? Who can you count on for encouragement and accountability? Identify at least one resource on campus that you might use to help you work towards your goal.

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