This assignment is 100 points. References, must be provided for cited work. Please read the attached case study. This document is copyrighted. Please do not distribute or share in any way as this is being viewed for the purposes of this course only. Harold Kerzner, PhD (2009). The Tylenol Tragedies. Project Management, Case Studies; Third Edition. Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pages 509-529 Please answer the following questions with regard to the case in a 3-5 page paper. When answering these questions, please be certain to relate project management processes, concepts, and terms as appropriate (points are assigned for this – see below) Be certain to cite sources as appropriate. As a general rule, if it isn’t your thought or statement, you need to reference the source. Please do not exceed 3 -5 pages (using the recommended 1.5 spacing with the 1 inch margins). You may include a cover page but this is not required. Neither a cover page nor a reference page count toward your total of 3-5 pages. All responses will be submitted to TurnItIn to verify originality. Case Study Assignment Rubric: Please label your submission with your name, date and Case Study Assignment or Tylenol Tragedies. Please answer the following questions with regard to the case in a 3-5 page paper (not APA format). This also includes proper spelling and grammar. Papers must include citations for references. (15 points) What type of leader was David Collins and James Burke? (10 points) What is the significance of people knowing Tylenol was the product of J&J? (10 points) What role did communication play? (10 points) Many surveys of consumers were collected through the tragedy. How was this helpful? (10 points) (Opinion question) What do you do when there is no time to plan, as a PM, a fully well thought out plan? (10 points) What contributed to the company’s recovery. (10 points) What, in your opinion, or in the author’s opinion, is (at least one) significance of this story from a PM perspective. (10 points) When answering these questions, please be certain to relate project management processes, concepts, and terms as appropriate. (15 points are for the use of PM terms, processes and concepts used throughout this course.)
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