These assignments are designed to provide you an opportunity to think about how you would handle specific public administration issues. There is no right or wrong answer for the assignments, per se. Your memo should have the following sections:
- Central Issue
- Major Factors in Development of Policy/Management Problem
- Alternatives for Resolving the Problem
- Author’s Recommended Solution and Rationale
- Lessons for Public Administration
Case Study #3: HKS 1477.0 (Oklahoma’s Milestones Reimbursement System: Paying for What You Get)
Recommended questions to address or to consider:
- Whether or not you believe that Milestones is on balance an improvement over the previous system for paying vendors of employment services for the severely disabled, assess its greatest strengths relative to the status quo ante.
- Whether or not you believe that Milestones is on balance an improvement over the previous system, assess its greatest weaknesses and risks.
- The vendors providing employment-related services for the severely disabled in Oklahoma, both prior to and after the 1996 reforms, were private, but not-for-profit. Was this an essential constraint under the earlier input-based contracting system? What would have been the advantages and disadvantages of for-profit private suppliers under the pre-1996 fee-for-service system? Is the case for restricting contracts to non-profits (instead of contracting with both non-profit and for-profit vendors) stronger, or weaker, with the new Milestones system? Why?
- What are the characteristics of a social service function that make it most suitable to outcomes-based contracting? What characteristics make outcomes-based contracting inappropriate? Under what general circumstances is inputs-based private contracting (rather than outcomes-based contracting, on the one hand, or direct governmental service delivery, on the other) likely to be the most suitable way to deliver public services?
<Name Omitted>
POLS 5001
From: <Name Omitted>
Date: September 6, 2015
Re: Case Study # 1: HBS 304090, Columbia’s Final Mission
Central Issue: Why wasn’t the tragedy of the Columbia prevented? This was the 3rd “galvanizing event” as noted by Donahue and O’Leary (2012) for NASA. A host of organizational failings, coupled with extreme external pressures, led to ineffective administration which costs the lives of seven astronauts and millions of dollars (a dwindling budget unsatisfactory to support proper protocol/design).
Some background: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created in 1958 in response to compete with the Russian launching of Sputnik. In the 1970s, the focus of NASA shifted to the Space Shuttle Program (SSP) and the International Space Station Program (ISSP); the function of the former being to create a fleet of shuttles to transport materials and crew to the International Space Station. To this end, NASA maintained over 15 research, testing, and development centers across the US with multiple private sector contractors, e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc. These two contractors formed the United Space Alliance whose job it was to meet the contractual obligations of the Space Flight Operations Contract of 1996, while providing oversight with shuttle contractors. Two prior galvanizing events suggest NASA did not learn from prior failures—an Apollo capsule incinerated on the launchpad killing three astronauts in 1967 and the Challenger disaster in 1986, killing seven astronauts; numerous other near misses had occurred intermittently (Bohmer, Edmondson, & Roberto, 2010).
The Columbia tragedy: In 2003, after a flight spanning 16 days…
Major Factors in the Development of Policy/Management Problem: Where to start with this one? The problem stemmed from…
Alternatives for Resolving the Problem: Some alternatives to the scenario…
Recommended Solution and Rationale: In terms of recommendations, NASA needs to…
Lessons for Public Administration: Accountability is tantamount for a healthy, well-coordinated organized administration….
Bohmer, R. M., Edmondson, A.C., & Roberto, M.A. (2010). Columbia’s final mission. Harvard Business School Publishing: Boston, MA.
Donahue, A.K., & O’Keefe, S. (2007). Universal lessons from unique events: Perspectives from Columbia and Katrina, Public Administration Review, 67, 77-81.
Donahue, A.K., & O’Leary, R. (2012). Do shocks change organizations? The case of NASA. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 22 (3). 395-425.
Kettl, D. F. (2015). Politics of the administrative process (6th Ed.). CQ Press: Thousand Oaks, CA.
McCurdy, H. E. (1992). NASA’s organizational culture. Public Administration Review, 52(2), 189-192.
NASA (2006). Space shuttle Columbia and her crew. Retrieved on September 2, 2015 from
Shafritz, J.M., & Hyde, A.C. (2012). Classics of public administration (6th Ed.). Wadsworth, Cengage Learning, Boston, MA.
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