I need you to answer question 2 on the case study. The case study is on page 437 in book. Here’s the Q:

Do you agree that New Belgium’s focus on social responsibility provides a key competitive advantage for the company? Why or why not?

  1. APA formatting
  2. One inch margins all around
  3. Cover page
  4. An abstract is not required
  5. Introduction not more than ½ page- The introduction is a brief overview.
  6. The last sentence of the introductory paragraph includes a whether statement-the issue.
  7. Level 1 subheading (Centered) Introduction or name of case study.
  8. Conclusion subtitle is centered and includes lessons learned, ties back to the thesis statement, answering the thesis statement. Highlights main points.
  9. Reference page – textbook first, outside journals-at least three that support your work. References mirror the citations in the analysis.

Apply a moral philosophy from the business philosophies named in the textbook…But…

Define the moral philosophy using quoted citations from a journal article.

Apply it to the portion of the case, the person, the culture, the situation, an action and quote that from the case study using a citation.

Then, explain how the philosophy applies to the portion of the case that was cited.

Add a bible verse and explain how the bible verse applies to a portion of the case study

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