Perspectives on Various Career And Workplace Experiences Presentations as follows
: The career counseling student must explore and understand their personal perspectives as it relates to many of the career and workplace experiences their clients are likely to face. There are a number of social and emotional experiences clients will encounter in the workplace or as they pursue opportunities for employment. The career counselor will only be able to provide quality career counseling service to their client if they are able to relate to the various career and workplace experiences their client is likely to face. This includes but is not limited to: socioeconomic level, racial and age discrimination, culture, gender, sexual orientation, family roles, and other factors. Purpose: The purpose of this project is for career counseling students to engage in the all-important function of personal introspection with respect to some of the salient themes in career and workplace experiences that a perspective client will almost certainly encounter. In doing so, students will develop a Power Point Presentation that illuminates their personal perspectives in relation to some of the selected emotional and social experiences your client may have to contend with. NOTE: This assignment is worth 75 POINTS towards your final grade. Assignment: Students will complete this assignment as follows:
1. Prepare a Power Point Presentation of clipart that is a representation of your personal perception for each of the topics mentioned below. After the title page (slide #1 example below), there will be one clipart slides for each of the following themes:
Slide #2. “Occupational Stress”
Slid #3“Personality Type” (Select one: Realistic; Investigative; Artistic; etc. Enterprising; Social; or Conventional)
Slide #4. “Being Fired”
Slide #5. ”Desired Employment” Slide
#6. “Work as a Psychological or Sociological Process
” (Select one.) 3. For each clipart selected students will provide a brief paragraph positioned underneath the clipart which explains why they selected that particular clipart and how it personally relates to them. (See format/example below). 4. The source of the clipart must be presented at the bottom of each slide. 5. In-class presentations of your project will begin 11-26-19 and conclude on 12-10-19 as per the group schedule. Students will present their project from a THUMB DRIVE. 6. After students have completed their presentation their project must be uploaded on the blackboard under (Research Project Drop Box) by midnight Tuesday April 23, 2019. 7. Students are not required to use color lettering as per the format sample below. CAREER CO
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