Assignment: In House Business Proposal Dream Bakers Cookies and Cakes

Subject: Making use of Social Media Promotions for Dream’s products

Proposal submitted to: Sara Keebler, Operations Manager

Scenario: Dream Bakers Inc. NY, NY, is a global distributions company specializing in custom bakery goods for large special events. The Proposal will focus on the advantages, obstacles and implementation of Social Media Promotions for Dream’s products. What media can be maximized and what should be avoided.

Time frame: 6 Months

Allotted Budget: $25, 0000.00

Requirements for this Individual Project:

  • Write a five-page Business Proposal
  • Proper Proposal format containing all major components
  • Proposal should reflect research into viable options presenting a course of direction for the company.
  • Highlight services, applications, and opportunities recommendations and conclusions.
  • Don’t forget cost, ease, training and people required.
  • Use everything for research! Check almanacs, encyclopedias, the Internet, and library databases for the most recent information, and pay close attention to what would best serve the companies interests.
  • You are highly encouraged to include financials, action plan, and a social media strategy.

General Format

  1. The paper must be typed
  2. Use headings within the report when appropriate (please review Pages 433-452 for Parts of a Formal Report).
  3. For this report please include:
  • a Cover page
  • Memo of Transmittal
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction
  • Body of information
  • Summary
  • Conclusions / Recommendations
  • Bibliography
  • Note: The Cover Page. Memo of Transmittal, Table of Contents, and Bibliography will not be counted towards the five-page requirement.
    1. Plan the paper carefully as to develop an organized and non-redundant report. It should be organized and assembled as a continuous report and should not appear to be several independent segments bound together.
    • You must have a minimum of five sources. Please cite your sources using MLA or APA Format – (the Writing Center can offer assistance if you do not know how to do this).


    In general, the proposal will be evaluated on its effectiveness.

    1. Are the purpose and main idea of the document clear?
    2. Has the document been organized to be compatible with the purpose and audience?
    3. Is the “you” attitude—courtesy and consideration for the audience—consistently present?
    4. Has all the necessary information—and only the necessary information—been included?
    5. Are grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and vocabulary correct?
    6. Is the format attractive and appropriate?
    7. Was the document submitted on time and in the correct delivery format as expected in the business world?
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