Review the Week 6 Implementing Change Business Case assignment.
Select a company you would like to interview about change management strategies, and request an informational interview with a representative.
Create 3 to 5 questions you can discuss with a representative regarding the company’s approach to change management in the past.
- Your interview questions should illicit the change management strategies they have used to implement a variety of changes intended to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the organization that will ultimately improve the bottom line.
Call the representative from your chosen company, and:
- Share that you are an MBA student working on a business case for change management.
- Ask your 3 to 5 questions.
- Take notes about the conversation with the company representative.
Summarize the interview in a paper of no more than 300 words. Please do not refer to specific company information in your documentation; use Company XYX and Mr./Ms. X in place of real names.
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