Camponi Fashions Changes Employee Policy

Camponi Fashions gives its sales consultants an allowance of $2,000 for purchase of clothing from the current line of products. Any purchase beyond this allowance can be made at a 15% discount. Due to an economic downturn, the management reduces the clothing allowance for the upcoming year to $1,000 and the purchase discount to 10%. When the company returns to normal profit levels in the future, the original allowance and discount would be restored.

Required: As a sales manager of the company, write an email message conveying the change in policy for the upcoming year.

-Your writing follows a sophisticated organizational pattern that demonstrates full knowledge of the topic. The topic is also linked to the intended audience.

-The writing has minimal disruptive grammatical errors, Your position and demonstration of competency exhibits sophisticated thought.

-Subject line has no errors and describes message contents accurately

-No errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling, or capitalization. All sentences are complete, well-constructed, and stated in business terms

-For Ideas, it has to be expressed in a clear and organized fashion and easy to figure out what the email was about

-The email has be formal and appropriate for the audience

-The email contains complementary closing and signature with all required items, name, title, company name, telephone number, mailing address, email address

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