Business 2.0 has made network communication more user friendly and accessible because it is directly connected or supported by the Web 2.0. The previous Web 1.0 quickly became bogged down with all the internet users. You have businesses buying and selling to each other over the Internet. business selling their products or services directly to consumers online. Now with eBay, Amazon and other customer selling avenues. Customers are offering goods and services to each other on the Internet. Social media support platforms such as Facebook, twitter and YouTube are also interactive virtual communication outlets created and critically support by Web 2.0.

Business 2.0 offers Web support which is flexible enough to manage all these different levels of network collaboration communication. Each party can view and communicate internally and externally into their business partner. A business 2.0 has a much wider sharing platform than the traditional 1.0. This open widow brings forth encouragement to communicate openly for free. In the past traditional companies shared information with their employees based on their positions. Business 2.0 doesn’t have these restrictions and user friendly providing easier to read reports which is accessible to anyone within the organization. This transparency creates a better communication within an organization. “Web 2.0 has become widely accepted and leveraged by businesses. A 2007 Booz Allen Hamilton study of 2,400 consumers in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany concluded that businesses need to respond to Web 2.0 or run the risk of being left behind.” (Wien claw, Ruth A. “The Use of Web 2.0 in Business.” Use of Web 2.0 in Business — Research Starters Business, Apr. 2018, pp. 1–5) Communication internationally has become the norm because of Web 2.0 network support.


Wienclaw, R. A. (2018). The Use of Web 2.0 in Business. Use of Web 2.0 in Business — Research Starters Business, 1–5.

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