Assignment should be a powerpoint presentation that can be converted to PDF file with 10-15 slides
APA format with peer reviewed articles for support
Disease: Bulimia Nervosa
Disease and Illness and Patient-Professional Relationships: Explain how literacy can be used when a patient is diagnosed with this disease/disability. How can health care workers discuss the diagnosis with the patient, family members and community? You must provide specific examples from the assigned readings, video AND outside sources.
Race and Class: The concern of health inequalities has drawn many providers to advocate for the underserved populations. Compare and contrast (the differences of each class—upper, middle and lower) how can a patient with your disease/disability be better served through patient understanding. Explain how providers can communicate a clear healthcare plan through literacy to serve those populations. You must provide specific examples from the assigned readings AND outside sources.
Mental Health: How can you eliminate the stigma and shame of mental health? Mental illness affects all races, classes and cultures. Explain how your disease/disability can be treated through healthy mental health awareness. Explain ways providers may treat your disease/disability through mental health literacy. You must provide specific examples from the assigned readings AND outside sources.
Disability: Explain how your disease/disability influences how patients encounter society. What supports are available? How do you provide support to your patients to assist in everyday challenges? You must provide specific examples from the assigned readings AND outside sources.
Aging, Death and Dying: The certainty for all human life is death. Explain ways providers can prepare their patients for aging, death and dying through literacy. Research, support and good healthcare provide patients opportunities to manage their health. You must provide specific examples from the text AND outside sources.
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