Building Confidence   in STEM Presentation The brain grows at an amazing rate during development, which makes it so important that we provide young children with the best environment to learn and grow. Too much abstract thinking at a young age could possibly overwhelm a child. It is important to understand how the brain functions at each developmental milestone. For this assignment, use the topic materials and your own research to create a 15-20 slide digital presentation that can be used during an open house geared toward families of children grades K-3.  Be sure to include a title slide, reference slide, and presenter notes. Your presentation needs to include the following: · Brain development at each stage in relation to how children learn. · The significance of constructivism for meaningful learning during the developmental stages of young children. · The importance of introducing STEM at an early age. · At least 2-3 family resources about the importance of supporting inquiry and exploration in early childhood. Support your presentation with 2-3 scholarly resources. In addition to your presentation, write a 100-250 word reflection in which you discuss your self-confidence as it pertains to STEM education. Explain how you will incorporate STEM concepts into your future classroom. Discuss the significance of professional lifelong learning, especially subjects in the STEM field. While APA style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. Clinical Field   Experience A: Math Lessons Select an inclusive K-3 early childhood site where you will complete the field experience required for this course.  During the remaining weeks of your clinical field experience you will be working with a small group of students identified by your mentor teacher to help differentiate your mentor teacher’s lesson.  If you have permission from your mentor, you will also be asked to implement a lesson or mini-lesson to the class or small group in different areas of STEM. For this field experience, observe the classroom focusing on math, if possible. If not, observe another STEM area (science, engineering, or technology). Additionally, interview your mentor teacher and include the following questions: · What is your teaching philosophy for math instruction? · How do you provide a focus on hands-on practice and thinking mathematically? · In what way would you embed mathematics learning opportunities in the learning environment, as well as beyond the classroom? · What tools and resources (including technology) do you use to allow exploration and enhance conceptual understanding? · How do you incorporate communication as part of thinking mathematically? · How do you ensure an equal learning opportunity for all students, including those with exceptionalities? In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on the interview, including your discussion of strategies and specific examples of hands-on STEM lessons. Discuss how the lesson promoted problem-solving and critical thinking skills for students. Explain how the mentor teacher prompted the importance of communication as part of thinking mathematically. Discuss how the strategies used promote discussion, motivation, and engagement. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice. Support your reflection with 1-2 scholarly resources. In addition to the above observations, interview, and reflection for this topic, speak with your mentor teacher about assisting during an upcoming science lesson or activity. This will help you prepare for the Topic 3 assignment. With your mentor teacher, identify a small group of students who would benefit from differentiation and engagement strategies during the upcoming science lesson or activity. Once you have identified …

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