Go to the Human Genome Project:
https://www.genome.gov/12011238/an-overview-of-the… (Links to an external site.)
- In 450-500 words, describe a genetic disease or condition that has been mapped onto the human genome. https://www.genome.gov/10001204/specific-genetic-disorders/ (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
- Use APA format for references and citations. See: https://libguides.sjsu.edu/writeandcite (Links to an external site.)
In your paper, you should describe the disease/condition/disorder. Give brief summary in introduction. Give the chromosomal location an exact position of the gene.
In the rest of your essay, you will want to describe:
- How the gene works and what mutation leads to the disease and why.
- What proportion of people are affected by this condition?
- Who is affected? (age, geography, ethnicity, etc.)
- Cite at least 2-3 primary sources.
- You cannot use Wikipedia or online sources that are not part of a scientific research organization.
- You must have a “references” section at the end with sources cited within the text itself.
- Paper should have: introduction, body, and conclusion, and references.
- Please also remember to use your own words and check for spelling and grammatical errors.
- The Turnitin results will always show some level of matching, but there should never be complete sentences and sections that are not from your own writing.
- ONLY pdf, doc, or docx files will be accepted.
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