For discounted price, see the link at the bottom of the page. Description BIS 155 Final Exam Latest Solutions June 20, 2018 Complete the tasks below using Microsoft Excel.   You may refer to your notes, the textbook, or other resources (for example, you may search the Web for information).  You may not get interactive help from any other person (either in person, via email, text messaging, IM, or other communications channels).Save your work frequently using CTL+s.  You have 4 hours to complete this exam. NOTE: Be sure you SPELL CHECK on every worksheet and correct all spelling errors.  If you encounter technical issues of any type during the Final Exam, please notify your instructor and contact the appropriate helpdesk.Getting started Open Excel (either on your desktop or in Citrix). If you are using Citrix, you need to upload the spreadsheet to your virtual drive before you can open it in Excel. Open the Practical Exam workbook you downloaded from the Exam page in Canvas. Save the workbook as Lastname_FirstInitial Week8 FinalExam.xlsx. Example: If your name was Jane Doe, the file name would be:  DoeJ Week8 FinalExam.xlsx Formatting and charts (TCOs 1 & 3; 40 points) Enter your name and today’s date on the Documentation sheet Select the Q1&Q2 sheet, and adjust the widths of the columns as needed Center the title “Cool Clock, Inc. Sales by Product” across columns A-D, increase the font size to 20, and change the font color to red. Bold the column headings “Product”, “Unit Price”, “Quantity” and “Total Sales”. Add formulas to the Total Sales column to calculate the total sales for each product. Add a grand total at the bottom of the Total Sales column, in cell D8. Format the numbers in the Unit Price and Total Sales columns as accounting or currency format with a dollar sign and two decimal places. Create a 3-D pie chart on a separate sheet that displays the percentage of total sales for each product & the product name. (Do not include the grand total in the pie chart!). Make the title of the chart & the worksheet tab “Total Sales by Product”. Place each product percentage of sales inside its pie slice. Place a legend for all products on the right side of the chart. Move the sheet named “Total Sales by Product” with the pie chart immediately after the Q1&Q2 sheet. Save your work (CTRL+s) – (but leave it open to continue). Formulas and applications (TCOs 2 & 7; 40 points). On the Q1&Q2 sheet, in cell E8, add a formula using a lookup function that will look up the grand total in cell D8 in the table of sales and assessments in A11:B13, and display the corresponding assessment. Use a range lookup. (For example, if the grand total of $12,500 is displayed in cell D8, “Good” should be displayed in cell E8.) In cell E9 enter the label Highest Sales. In F9 enter a formula using a function to display the highest total sales value for any product. In cell E10 enter the label Lowest Sales. In F10 enter a formula using a function to display the lowest total sales value for any product. In cell E11 enter the label Average Sales. In F11 enter a formula using a function to display the average total sales value for all products. Format the labels and statistics (Highest Sales, Lowest Sales, and Average Sales) to display an outline (exterior border) around these cells for readability. Resize all columns for visibility. Add comments to cells F9, F10, and F11. In your comments, explain briefly in your own words what is displayed in each cell. Add gridlines and cell formatting and color formatting to cells A10:B13. Add a top and double bottom border to cell D8. Protect the worksheet so the contents cannot be accidentally changed by a user. Do not use a password. Save your work (CTRL+s) – (but leave it open to continue). Data cleansing, lists, sorting, conditional formatting, and pivot tables (TCOs 4 & 8; 40 points). On the Q3 sheet, adjust the widths of the columns as needed. Column C contains each customer’s combined first and last n…

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