Review “Benchmark Assignment – Data Analysis Case Study” and “Benchmark Assignment – Data Analysis Case Study Data” for this topic’s case study, evaluating operations for a local restaurant.

Although your friend and restauranteur Michael Tanaglia offered to go over your findings in person, you believe it would be appropriate to also prepare a report and document your findings in writing.

1. In a 1,000-1,250-word report, explain your approach for each evaluation and the rationale for the methods you used. Include any recommendations based on customer satisfaction, forecasting, and staff scheduling data. Must use APA.

2. Use an Excel spreadsheet file for the calculations and explanations. Cells should contain the formulas (i.e., if a formula was used to calculate the entry in that cell). Students are highly encouraged to use the “Benchmark Assignment – Data Analysis Case Study Template” and “Benchmark Assignment – Data Analysis Case Study Linear Programming Template” to complete this assignment.

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