or this assignment, use the same grade level you selected in Topic 2 and the “Class Profile.”  Select two classroom management models from the following list to research: Harry Wong’s Effective Classroom Kagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win Discipline Fred Jones Positive Classroom Discipline Morrish’s Real Discipline Canter and Canter’s Assertive Discipline (middle school education focused) Jeanne Gibb’s Tribes (elementary education focused) Select two school-wide/campus-wide behavior management systems from the following list to research: Character Education (e.g., Character Counts, Character First! Education, I CAN Character Curriculum) Love and Logic Positive Behavioral Interventions and Strategies (PBIS) (a school-wide program that uses PBS) S.T.A.R. (“Stop, Think, Act, Review” or “Success Through Accepting Responsibility”) (elementary education focused) Based on your research, complete the “Behavior Management Models/Systems Table.” In addition, write your personal 200-250 word classroom management model statement. This statement should include elements of each model/system you would incorporate into your future classroom management plan. Explain your selections. Include a minimum of three scholarly references to support your statement. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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