The reading assignments for Unit 7 present five single-subject designs that can be used in the implementation of behavior intervention plans (BIPs). Using these designs allows the behavior analyst to identify functional relations between interventions and target behaviors. By examining the level, trend, and variability of baseline and intervention data, a determination can be made regarding the effectiveness of the intervention. The Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s (BACB’s) Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts guides professional and ethical conduct with regard to your work with clients, as well as with other professionals. These guidelines also point out your responsibility to our science and the reputation of Applied Behavior Analysis.

Review the BACB (2014). Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts : Behavior Analyst Certification Board,® Inc. (BACB®). Retrieved from

Using your knowledge of single-subject designs, the ethical considerations that must be made in the selection of appropriate single-subject designs, and how to determine the effectiveness of interventions, discuss the following:

1. Explain the ethical considerations of using a reversal single-subject design when addressing aggressive or self-injurious behavior.

2. Differentiate baseline data and intervention data. How can baseline and intervention data allow you to determine intervention effectiveness?

3. Analyze the following line graph. Determine the level, trend, and/or variability of the data during baseline and intervention. Contrast the intervention data with the baseline data and determine the effectiveness of the intervention. Discuss the importance of analyzing trend in the determination of effectiveness.


500 words min. NO PLAGIARISM. References and citations required.

Textbook reference: Shepherd, L., T. and Linn, D. (2015). Behavior and Classroom Management in the Multicultural Classroom. Sage publications

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