im Applying to a police academy and they have requested an auto Autobiography and i just need someone to look at it again and maybe change little stuff to help it sound more formal and flow better. make it look more professional.

My Name is ……., i’m currently …. years of age. I immigrated to the United States in January of 2014, and was nationalized in the year 2019. In the time of writing the autobiography I’m living with my family of four, my parents and two brothers. In the current time i’m single and don’t have any dependents nor have I had any. The first schooling I received in the United States was in January of 2014 in ……. High School in …… for two semesters, where I did two semesters of volunteering in the Hope program was concerned with highschoolers that just arrived in the United States. After ……. High School, I started my education in …….. college also Located in …… City which i’m still a student at since Fall semester of the year 2015. I received my GED in 2016 as soon as I turned 18 years . In …… College I have changed my major a few times , including Physics and Law. however, in the meantime I have switched to Administration of Justice major. In total I have earned 77 units including general education classes and attempting 12 more this semester in Administration of justice. The classes that I’m enrolled in as of now are intro to Admin of Justice, Criminal Trial Process, Public Safety Communications and lastly Community & the Justice System. I was never involved with the military nor have any military experience. I had my first job in January of 2017 a month after I turned 18 years old as a private security officer for …… Security Services Inc. for a year , the majority of the year I was positioned in …. during the night shift during the weekends. Afterwards , I was employed for …… Security for a position of Private Security Officer. I have no experience in the police filed. I like to spend my free time working out, I go to the gym very frequently for a minimum of 5 days every week , as I found the activity very enjoyable. in addtion to lifting wights and running im an amature swimer. I also participate in soccer matches typically with friends. I want to join law enforcement, first of all because I feel the position and type of work will be rewarding to me and will help me make the impact that I want to make to give back to my community that is already has given me so much in the past. Secondly, I feel very passionate about helping the individuals in my community in the micro level. Finally, I want to assist my family with living expenses. I’m hoping in the academy that i will learn all the necessary skills and tools to be a capable Peace Officer and to help the people I have set out to help in my community. I believe that ill meet the standards of a Peace Officer in the state of California because of my abilities to strictly follow the rules and regulations. Due to the nature of my work history, I have learned the essentials of working with a team to maintain peace and provide security. I’m also physically fit enough to exceed all the requirements associated with the position of a peace officer. Most importantly to me, is the passion I have and the respect I have for this position.

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