You may do this in groups or alone. If you do it in groups, everyone in the group must submit their own copy of the answers, along with the names of any group members. Today we will be using the program Stellarium. On campus computers this can be accessed by going to . You should not download the “receiver” since it is installed on campus computers, but you may need to click “open links with Citrix Receiver” and agree to terms. Here’s what IT says about using Citrix on campus. With logging in, Citrix may work off campus as well. At home, you can download and install Stellarium directly from (Links to an external site.) As long as you click the official download links (and not any ads posing as download links), this is a safe piece of software. You can also use the free app “Sky Eye” to do this assignment, but I prefer Stellarium on a computer. Here’s a picture of Sky Eye. A couple quick tips for using Stellarium: Scrolling with your mouse or trackpad zooms in and out. If the screen goes very wonky or circular, try zooming the other way to get back to a more comfortable view. Mousing over the lower left corner will bring up the two toolbars. The quit button is at the righthand side of the lower toolbar, so it only appears when the toolbars are up, and it is in the middle of the bottom of the screen. Activity 01: Introduction to Stellarium Introduction Objectives Become familiar with the Stellarium program and its user interface Apply knowledge of Right Ascension and Declination (RA & Dec) to find positions on the celestial sphere and see where they are in the sky. Examine the position of the stars from other locations on the globe. Procedure I have created a worksheet that has only the questions from the lab below, record your answers in that document as you work through this lab. I encourage you to work together if you know anyone in the class, or can coordinate to be in a chat or on Google Hangouts together at the same time. Record the names of any partners you worked with directly. Worksheet: Stellarium Lab 01 Worksheet.docx Launch the Stellarium program. When the program has loaded, your screen should show you located in a field of grass, facing south. You have two toolbars that you activate by moving the mouse over their locations. At the left edge of the window, towards the bottom, you will find a vertical toolbar with configuration windows for setting location, date, and viewing options. There is a horizontal toolbar along the bottom left edge as well. This has toggles for the most common viewing options, as well as time controls. You can spend a few minutes clicking around, just to see what this button or that toggle does. Note that scrolling zooms in and out. If you get stuck in a green or black screen, try scrolling. Set your location: Click on the Location Window icon (vertical toolbar, top icon). There are many ways to specify where you are, but start by doing the fastest thing. In the search box, start typing Seattle. By the time you are three letters in, you should see your location list has been whittled down to just a few places, and you can select Seattle, WA. Notice on the map that your red location arrow is correctly pointing the edge of Washington, and you can close the location window. Set your time: Click on the Date/Time Window icon (vertical toolbar, second icon). It should initially display the current and correct date and time. Lets go ahead and see the eastern sky earlier this morning. Change the time to 6:00AM, and notice how dramatically your view changes. Go ahead and close the date/time window. Return to right now: Activate the horizontal toolbar by mousing over it. The icons on the right end of the toolbar control the passage of time. Click on the Set time to now icon, or just type the number 8. You will notice that there are keystrokes which correspond to these toggles, and you will probably find a few that you use freq…
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