The purpose of this assignment is to distinguish the three sociological perspectives (functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism).
- APA style formatting is required. The body of the paper must include citations according to the APA style format, and these sources should be included in your reference page. Every assignment should contain at least two references.
Learning Objective
By submitting this assignment, students will be able to do the following to: Distinguish the functionalism, conflict theory, and the interactionist perspectives.
Sociologists argue that the sociological perspective combined with the scientific method gives them the ability to make significant contributions toward an understanding of human social behavior. Describe how a theorist from each of the three sociological perspectives would go about studying behavior in a college classroom. What questions would the theorist ask, and what would the theorist be likely to do?
Format Requirements
- Length: Approximately 500-700 words, and should be very specific about the terms and concepts mentioned in your book.
- Font: 12 point Times New Roman or comparable
- Citation Style: APA, a minimum of two sources is required (in-text citation AND a list of references)
- Document format: WORD or pdf
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