For Part 1 of your Final Project Assignment, you will examine human development in terms of nature/nurture influences of the influential person you chose. You also will explore the role that cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. For the Final Project, you will only need to discuss two of the three processes.
Also, for this part of your Final Project Assignment, you will submit Part 1 to your Instructor to receive feedback. Note: No grade will be given for this submission; however, this submission is a requirement for the Final Project.
For Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment:
Begin the Final Project Assignment by writing a 3- to 4-page paper (Part 1), not including title page and references.
For Part 1 of the Final Project Assignment, explain the development and outcomes of the person’s life through childhood in terms of the appropriate constructs, processes, and theories of development. Address as many of the relevant ages and stages as possible.
Part 1
- Explain the person’s life from prenatal development through childhood in terms of nature/nurture influences.
- Provide an analysis of the role cognitive, physical, and social-emotional development/changes played in the person’s life. Note: You must select two of the three processes to include in your paper.
- Include at least one theory that is relevant in describing the individual’s development.
Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing, Zero plagiarizing, Quote work,’s
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