E-commerce in Saudi Arabia has received a boost following the launch of several digital payment platforms in the last few years, a development that should support the growing number of online shoppers and contribute to government efforts to diversify the economy. Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest-growing markets in the Middle East for electronic payments, investments in the e-commerce market are set to rise under the government Vision 2030 strategy and National Transformation Program (NTP), which both aim to improve communications connectivity and data transmission throughout the country as part of the broader diversification drive

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the different methods of e-payment systems used in e-commerce platforms in Saudi Arabia?

2. Discuss the benefits of the multiple types of e-payment system to the customers?

3. Discuss the benefits of the multiple types of e-payment system to the e-commerce business?

4. What are some factors affecting the e-commerce business when choosing the e-payment gateways?

5. Explain some issues related to the e-payment system in the e-commerce platforms?

Guidelines for the assignment:

Prevents plagiarism

The minimum is 500 words

Ensure that you follow the APA style in your assignment.

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