Rubric:  Work must demonstrate written expression in a logical and comprehensive manner with details that remain focused on the relevance to the question/items. Additionally, each response must include text and/or discussion support. Your responses are to include a minimum of three clear and concise paragraphs, as applicable. Some educators feel that online school courses for high school students will be a benefit to education; some feel education will suffer. What are factors you can cite in support of each of these positions? Identify and discuss the five essential variables one considers when choosing technology for a student with special needs. Explain why it is important for general classroom teachers to be knowledgeable about assistive technologies. Discuss some of the strategies and resources that English and language arts educators can use to increase their proficiency as technology-using teachers. Also, explain how teachers might take into account classrooms’ increasingly diverse learners when using the TTIPP model. Discuss some of the strategies and resources that foreign language and second language educators can use to increase their proficiency as technology-using teachers. Describe the three types of virtual collaborative projects teachers and students could undertake. Discuss some of the strategies and resources that math, engineering, and science educators can use to increase their proficiency as technology-using teachers. Include how robotics furthers engineering thinking and design among learners. Discuss some of the strategies and resources that social studies educators can use to increase their proficiency as technology-using teachers and describe the instructional value of information visualization strategies. Discuss some ways that video can be used in helping students build competence in sports and other physical activities. Also, describe three barriers that physical education teachers face in their work and ways content-area teachers can assist with the goals of better physical activity and health among children.

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