“The Shark Tank is accepting requests from entrepreneurs seeking to present their ideas to the industry tycoons on the panel for a chance to procure a business deal promoting their product idea. The request should be done via letter”


Our idea: Student Co Description:

Student Co is a plugin it gives teachers and students control over email, text, phone call, and push notifications.

This plugin lets teachers and students choose what class related updates and assignments notify them. The user can set notification priorities to keep track of whats important

to them by flagging assignments to different priority levels. This allows the plugin to notify the person at user-defined intervals.

so they never miss an assignment/important dates.


expand on our idea and persuade the sharks to give us a chance..

Attached is the assignment sheet and supporting class notes that show you the correct form/design/organization of the letter.

make sure to follow the assignment #5 sheet, the power points have extra info you might need to write the letter organized in correct form and design.

make sure to: USE/EXPAND ON OUR IDEA (above) IN THE LETTER!! also attached (ProjDes.txt)


Thank you so much.

this has been and will be a weekly (often twice M/W) thing, i wish to continue our business and always have the same writer working on my assignments. i don’t want the writing style to change and the professor seeing that!

i promise to have all my assignments sent to you in this course, just keep everything the same and we’re good!

Thanks again 🙂

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