Part A: will be a Continuation of the course guide that I attach. We are only adding Week 4-6 to what’s already in the course guide. Part B: You will log into the Blackboard coursesite. And create week 4-6. Weeks 1-3 is already done. User Name is – Lrat528 Password is – 2DJmasterl! This is the link to Website: . Assignment 5: Designing and Developing an e-Learning Course – Part 3 Due Week 10 and worth 200 points This is a continuation of assignment 4. Preparation: Click here to access the CourseSites Tutorial Series. Go to the Course sites Website and go through the tutorials. You will use this Website to create your course. Continuing developing your Course Guide: Part A Course Guide Content – Described 1. List the three to five (5)  learning outcomes for Weeks 4-6 of instruction. 2. Design a weekly schedule for Weeks 4-6 of instruction that includes: (a) Topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with the topics. 3. Include in the weekly schedule (a) two (2) discussion questions for each of the three (3) weeks and (b) required activities. 4. List two (2) assignments: (a) an essay test with three (3) questions and (b) a writing assignment. 5. Discuss at least two (2) challenges and two (2) benefits with the process of designing and developing this mini online course. Part B Blackboard Shell – Developed 7. Build content areas for Weeks 4-6 of instruction in the course shell. ( Note: Each content area must include at least one item that has 3-4 completed power points slides pertaining to the content and knowledge domain of your mini-course. Use the steps listed Week 4-Part A to complete this task.) 8. List three to five (3-5)  learning outcomes for the last three (3) weeks of instruction. (Use the steps listed from Week 4-Part A to complete this task.) 9. Build in the weekly schedule for Weeks 4-6 of instruction that includes: (a) Topic(s) and (b) learning outcomes that are aligned with these topics. Use the steps listed from Week 4-Part A to complete this task. 10. Create a new forum and name it Weeks 4-6 Discussion Forum. 11. Provide (a) two (2) discussion questions based on the information presented for Weeks 4-6 and (b) required activities in the weekly schedule. (Post the two (2) discussion questions by creating a new thread for each question.) 12. Develop three (3) essay questions by creating an assignment in the Assessments link (Left Course Menu) based on the content from Weeks 4-6. Use the steps listed from Week 4-Part A to complete this task. 13. Develop the Gradebook, ensuring that all the assignments, discussions, and quizzes are included with the appropriate points and possible weight. (Control Panel>Grade Center>Full Grade Center.)

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