Assignment 1: Research Project Proposal on Emerging Technologies Due Week 3 and worth 200 points Refer to the Scenario for the Assignments. Note: As part of the technology project, you need to explain your preliminary steps for implementing the project. Discuss your action plan for developing the technology project you chose for this course. You can go on the Internet to review existing technology plans to help you formulate the content of your project. The landscape of education and training has been evolving and changing rapidly over the past decade. The emergence of new tools and new ways to incorporate activities that mirror “real world” problem solving and experiences have opened up new ways to engage and encourage learners to think outside of their textbooks. In this assignment, you will present your rationale and action plan for implementing two (2) different forms of emerging technology. Write a three or four (3–4) page (or 900–1,200 word) paper in which you: 1. Explain the purpose of and rationale for your choice of these technologies for your project proposal in an introductory paragraph. 2. Explain at least three (3) reasons why these particular tools are considered an emerging technology to the educational or training setting you have chosen. Using the current literature, support your rationale. 3. Outline three to five (3–5) possible benefits of these two technologies in the classroom or workplace setting. 4. Discuss three to five (3–5) instructional goals and how incorporating these technologies support those goals. 5. Summarize the main points of the proposal in a conclusion paragraph. 6. Provide at least five (5) peer-reviewed references, published in the last three (3) years. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: · Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. · Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: · Examine different types of technological resources for educational purposes. · Evaluate how technology can change the content and methods of education. · Analyze how technology can support the learning of diverse students. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in integrating technology into education. · Write clearly and concisely about integrating technology into education using proper writing mechanics. The Scenario for Assignments 1 – 3: You will be using this scenario as the guide for your assignments in this class for the quarter. Assume that your supervisor has appointed you to lead a committee tasked with providing a research-based proposal for integrating emerging technologies into an educational need for your organization (i.e., K12, higher education, corporate or military training). You will develop the plan in stages, which will culminate in a final project that is due in Week 10. Keep in mind that the proposal must be focused on education or training with an emphasis on new technologies. You will need to include a sample outline of how these technologies will be applied in your institution. Using the list provided here, you must propose the integration of at least two (2) emerging technologies You are welcome to select two (2) from this list or select one (1) from here and research one (1) additional technology of your choosing. The two technologies combined must help to support your learning goals and create an engaging environment for your learners. 1. Etale – Digital Age Learning, located at , provides access to educational documentaries across a wide range of topics. 1. Edmodo, located at . Similar …

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