When employees and managers act unethically, the consequences often have serious implications. In 2016, news outlets revealed that some employees of Wells Fargo & Company were creating fake bank and credit card accounts, pretending that these accounts belonged to customers, to increase profits. This affected Wells Fargo’s reputation and profits, and it had legal implications, as well. In this assignment, you will analyze this case and provide recommendations for preventing unethical behavior.

Part One: Describe Wells Fargo

Research and describe Wells Fargo, applying the course concepts. You should support your main ideas with examples, further explanations, and/or other evidence. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the organization’s structure.
  • Describe the organization’s design.
  • Describe the organization’s culture.

Part Two: Analyze the Role of Culture in Ethical Behavior

Research and analyze the role of Wells Fargo’s culture in this case. You should support your main ideas with evidence, integrating supporting evidence from past research when possible. Be sure to address the following:

  • What does the research literature suggest regarding the effects of culture on ethical behavior in organizations?
  • Provide an analysis of key factors of Wells Fargo’s culture that could have contributed to the unethical behavior.
  • Discuss any aspects of Wells Fargo’s culture that should have theoretically reduced the likelihood of this unethical behavior at Wells Fargo. Analyze reasons why employees still chose to act unethically.

Part Three: Present Recommendations

Review your course readings and external research discussing best practices for establishing and maintaining an ethical organizational culture. Analyze the limitations of these best practices. Present recommendations for Wells Fargo. You should address the following:

  • What does the current research suggest regarding creating an ethical organizational culture?
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of culture changing interventions and measures for ensuring ethical compliance. What are the limitations to these interventions and best practices (e.g., are there instances in which these would not prevent unethical behaviors? Are there other factors that affect ethical behavior in organizations? Etc.).
  • What specific recommendations would you give to Wells Fargo leadership for establishing an ethical culture? You should provide a minimum of three recommendations. Provide explanations and evidence to support your recommendations.

Other Requirements

This assignment will require you to write a 10–15 page paper (body of your paper, not including your title page and reference list), utilizing 5–7 scholarly resources to support your work. Be sure to include scholarly research as evidence to support your ideas throughout your response. Avoid the use of direct quotes. If you must include quotes, limit your use to one or two short (less than 40 words) direct quotes as a maximum for the entire paper. It is important to read and study your resources.

Learn the material and then write in your own words as to your understanding. Make sure you cite any sources that you use to gather the information that you shared throughout the paper in APA format. Wherever possible, try to use your own words in order to clearly demonstrate your understanding. Note the sources that are deemed as scholarly are peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, or scholarly books.

As for an abstract, this is not required. Abstracts are only used when you are summarizing the results of your own scholarly research. Instead, you want to provide an introductory paragraph, with a clear purpose or argument, and the main points that you want the reader to come away with after reading your paper. Work to include organized and clear paragraphs with scholarly evidence to support your ideas, and a final concluding paragraph to summarize your main ideas or argument once more. Visit the Graduate Resource Center for more tips on these points.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, remember to cite your sources clearly and carefully in-text as well as at the end of your paper. Review the University Plagiarism/Academic Integrity Policy within the course homepage, and follow the golden rule of when in doubt, cite your source.

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