Conceptual Experiment Purpose: To visualize the relationship between displacement, velocity, and time through graphical analysis. A fundamental job of physics is to describe the motion of an object. In order to do this, you need basic elements such as displacement, velocity, and time to depict it. In this activity, you will investigate how constant-paced linear motion is depicted and how you can calculate the velocity. For the example problem, let us use a simple case. Let us assume that you are walking from your house at a constant pace for 100 seconds to get to the 100 meter-mark, and you come back to your house at the same pace. Lee, N. (2016, March 1). Instruction for conceptual experiment A [Video file]. Retrieved from After practicing with the sample problem, read the instructions and problem on the worksheet and complete it using the given data. In the worksheet, complete the graph, fill in the table, and answer the questions. Submit the completed worksheet for grading.
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