Training in Environmental Law in Indonesia Overview Review the article, Strengthening Environmental Law Compliance and Enforcement in Indonesia [PDF] . This case study describes a 12-week environmental law and enforcement workshop the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) held in Sydney, Australia for a group of 18 Indonesian judges, prosecutors, environmental law enforcement officers, and environmental nongovernment organizations’ lawyers. Thoroughly review the challenges posed to global educators in this case study. Concentrate on the leadership skills that will be needed to create and maintain educational opportunities in this stricken community for students of all ages and for all subject areas. Instructions Write a 4–6 page paper in which you: Differentiate between global and multicultural education and how each was exemplified in this case study. Speculate on the essential ways in which the environmental law and enforcement workshop could prepare its attendees to address the myriad of unique challenges that the Indonesian context might pose. Justify your response. Hypothesize the extent to which instructional interventions would reduce future degradation of Indonesia’s environment. Provide justification for your hypothesis. Prepare an argument to convince government officials to educate local citizens and lawmakers to prevent further environmental damage and offer strategies for improving environmental law enforcement. Provide support for your argument.

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