1. A summary of the following article: John Fernald and Bing Wang. “The Recent Rise and Fall of Rapid Productivity Growth,” FRBSF Economic Letter February 9, 2015.(PDF Attached)
In the summary, please try to capture the essence of the article (for example, what is the objective of the paper, data and methodology employed, major finding and conclusions of the paper, AND ANY LIMITATION(S) OF THE STUDY OR WAYS YOU THINK THE PAPER CAN BE IMPROVED). A maximum of 2 pages long, using Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1 inch margins, 1.5 or double spaced
2.In a separate document, write a 500 word (one page) single spaced essay on the following topic.(In the global economy of the 21st century, what international country do you think MBA students should visit? Provide at least five (5) rationales to support your country of choice. Your writing sample should include at least two (2) sources properly cited in APA citation style) Your essay should demonstrate grammatical skill, compositional skill, and fundamental knowledge of the topic.
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