Question 1Not yet graded / 25 pts

We have spent a fair amount of discussion time on the idea of context, that an art object has a specific relationship with the culture or person that produced it, which is not always reflected in its display as a visual object today. Look at the theme of Food and Shelter and pick three distinct objects from the chapter that demonstrate this idea of context while also illuminating the ideas of the theme itself.

Question 2Not yet graded / 25 pts

Tarot cards have their root in Renaissance Europe and initially had little to do with Mysticism and the Occult. Today we primarily associate them with Fortune Tellers and Card Readers, but originally, they were a card game that used metaphorical imagery about the spiritual ascent of man to higher levels of thought and action. Examine the below image of the Sun card and write an essay on how you think the imagery within it relates to the material we have covered in the course. Think of objects from the book that might relate either visually, thematically or conceptually.


Question 3Not yet graded / 10 pts

Compare and Contrast the Shrine at Ise with Wright’s Falling Water

Shrine Ise.jpgWright Falling Water.jpg

Question 4Not yet graded / 10 pts

Compare and Contrast the Etruscan Reclining Couple with the Dogon Couple

Etruscan Reclining Couple.jpgDogon Couple.jpg

Question 5Not yet graded / 10 pts

Compare and Contrast Frank Gehry’s Bilbao Museum with Chartres Cathedral


Question 6Not yet graded / 10 pts

Compare and Contrast Jesus as the good Shepherd in the catacombs to Rivera’s Dia de Muertos

Catacombs of St. Peter Jesus as Good Shepherd.pngDiego Rivera Dia de Los Muertos.jpg

Question 7Not yet graded / 10 pts

Compare and Contrast the Woman of Willendorf with Xilonen

Woman of Willendorf.jpgXilonen, Goddess of Young Corn.jpg

Question 8Not yet graded / 10 pts

Imagine you are in the future 500 years and are studying I.M. Pei’s building for the Bank of China and you are told it was a Mausoleum. How would you relate it to the chapters on Deities and Mortality and Immortality?

I.M. Pei and Partners Bank of China.jpg

Question 9Not yet graded / 10 pts

This image of the African Rock Painting was discussed in the chapter on Food and Shelter. What connections can you make with the other themes we have studied?

African Rock Painting.jpg

Question 10Not yet graded / 10 pts

Look at Judy Chicago’s Dinner Party and connect it to the chapters of Reproduction and Sexuality and Deities and Places of Worship.

Judy Chicago Dinner Party.png

Question 11Not yet graded / 10 pts

We looked at the Cili-Shaped Crown of Bali in Chapter 7. What other connections can you make with the themes we have covered in this course so far?

Offering with Cili-Shaped Crown.jpg

Question 12Not yet graded / 10 pts

Examine the Egyptian Fowling Scene closely, and relate it to the themes and ideas from Chapters 5 & 7

Fowling Scene Thebes.png

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