
To prepare: Review and focus on the same case study that you chose in Week 2.

Submit a 1- to 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:

  • Map the client’s crisis using the five stages of the crisis.
  • Describe the client’s assets and resources (in order to understand the client’s resilience).
  • Describe how you, the social worker, will intervene to assist the client to reach the reintegration stage of the crisis. Be sure that the intervention promotes resiliency.
  • Evaluate how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help in working with a client.

Be sure to:

  • Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen.
  • Use literature to support your claims.
  • Use APA formatting and style.
    • Remember to double-space your paper.


Turner, F. J. (Ed.). (2017). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches (6th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

  • Chapter 7: Social Work Theory and Practice for Crisis, Disaster, and Trauma (pp. 117–130)
  • Chapter 29: Resiliency Theory and Social Work Practice (pp. 441–451)
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