
Leaders can hose it up like anyone else. If you’re prevented from saying it in person, an emailed apology–brief, sincere, and clear–can go a long way to mending a relationship that’s been dented by your bad mood, bad call or bad actions. This week, apologize for something you have done. Like last week, it should be roughly 300 words and should cover the perceived grievance, an apology, and a plan to move forward and avoid that situation again in the past.

*All email assignments will be graded on the following five items: a clear subject heading, clear introduction and content, concise wording, correct usage, and professional tone.

This is what I choose to write the apology on.

An apology to my supervisor when I had a heated argument and I will admit that I went way beyond yelling for her to cry. I felt like I needed to pour my heart out and let her know how she has not been a great example of a good leader and how poor she managers things around which drives good employees away.

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