In preparation for your conference, answer the following questions:

  1. What questions do you have for your Instructor?
  2. What feedback do you have to offer your Instructor?
  3. Did your Instructor provide any specific instructions on how you should prepare for the conference or what you should bring? If so, what are they, and what have you done to fulfill the stated expectations?


Holistic Rubric for Attached Assignments

Holistic Rubric for Attached Assignments

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion

15.0 pts

Holistic Score for Excellent Performance

A writer demonstrates excellent performance by meeting and exceeding the assignment structure through highly innovative strategies.

12.0 pts

Holistic Score for Very Good Performance

A writer demonstrates very good performance by meeting and exceeding the assignment structure through innovative strategies.

10.0 pts

Holistic Score for Good Performance

A writer demonstrates good performance by meeting the assignment structure in competent ways.

8.0 pts

Holistic Score for Average Performance

A writer demonstrates average performance by meeting the assignment structure. However, some areas of improvement are needed.

5.0 pts

Holistic Score for Poor Performance

The writer has demonstrated poor performance. A number of areas of improvement are needed.

2.0 pts

Holistic Score for Failing Performance

The writer has demonstrated failing performance. Because many areas of improvement are needed, the writer should contact the instructor for guided support.

0.0 pts

No Submission

The writer has not submitted the assignment.

15.0 pts

Total Points: 15.0

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