Answer two out of Three questions and provide concise, 1-page answers for each (12pt, 1.5 line-spacing). The answers must have an introductory sentence, contain evidence, and a brief conclusion and must be well written and free of errors. You must also include one external reference (any reputable source counts) and compile all references (complete citation) at the end of the document.
What is “Race” and why is it a social construct? In your answer, make sure to discuss several theories and explain your answer.
*** make sure to include at least one reference in your answer
What is the difference between institutional and structural racism? In your answer, make sure to define racism first and then use at least one real-world example for each of form of racism to demonstrate the difference.
*** make sure to include at least one reference to substantiate your answer
How and why is racial segregation in contemporary American cities related to other forms of segregation, institutional racism, and exclusion?
*** make sure to include at least one reference to substantiate your answer
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