Question 1: Are corporation’s moral agents? Do they have moral responsibilities? Or in your view, do only human beings have moral agency and moral obligations?

Question 2: What do you see as the pros and cons of government safety regulations?

Question 3: Is advertising a positive or socially desirable aspect of our economic system?

Question 4: Give examples from your own employment experiences of companies’ respecting the rights of employees and of companies’ failing to do so.

Question 5: Explain why you either support or disapprove of unions.

Question 6: What does the concept of company loyalty mean to you? Does it still make sense today?

Question 7: When, if ever, is an employee justified in blowing the whistle? What do you see as the most important factors that he or she needs to consider in deciding whether to blow the whistle?


  • Need minimum 1750 words
    • Each question minimum 250 words
    • Divide each question answer with heading (use question as heading)
  • No need references
  • No plagiarism please
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