Please reword document attached and separate answer the following questions:
Using the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria and evidence-based scholarly articles, address the following:
- Describe the neurology of anorexia. Does the characterization of anorexia as a brain disorder surprise you? What are your thoughts on the personal and/or cultural implications of classifying anorexia (and other mental illnesses) in this way, as opposed to a lifestyle choice or a matter of willpower? How might you support a family (or client) who is resistant to this interpretation?
- Describe and discuss changes in personality and social behavior that might be seen with anorexia. How would you assess for these changes?
- Provide an overview of the health consequences and medical complications of anorexia
- Create a treatment plan for a client with anorexia using family-based therapy or other evidence-based therapy.
Criteria for this paper:
- Answer these questions succinctly but completely, integrating resources to provide rationale for all decisions.
- Use APA formatting for all components of your paper.
- You may use narrative, bullets, or a table format for various sections of this discussion assignment.
- Your paper should be approximately two to three pages long, not including the reference page.
- Use at least one nursing journal reference from CINAHL (available through the Regis library) to support your rationale.
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