Select one and answer thoroughly

Remember to respond to two other students.


1. What were the inherent flaws of the neocolonial order and how were they manifested?

2. Explain the decline of the Conservative-Liberal cleavage and the rise of a new politics of acquisition.

3. Assess the Mexican economic advance under Porfirio Díaz.

4. Discuss the Argentine oligarchy’s land policy and its economic and social consequences.

5. Discuss Balmaceda’s economic program for Chile and the significance of its defeat.

6. What role did foreign investment play in Peru’s late 19th century economic development and how was it affected by the War of the Pacific?

7. Describe the ideology and objectives of nineteenth-century Central American liberalism as illustrated by Justo Rufino Barrios and his reform program.

8. Describe Antonio Guzmán Blanco’s program for the modernization of Venezuelan society and assess its effectiveness.

9. What policies did Rafael Núñez implement in Colombia and how did they affect national economic development?

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