This week, you will create an annotated bibliography for your formal report or proposal. In it, you will identify four relevant, timely, and authoritative sources directly related to the topic of your report or proposal. It is highly recommended that you use the DeVry Library (Links to an external site.), especially the databases (Links to an external site.).

Each annotation will have these elements.

  • The correct APA-style reference
  • A summary of the source, written in your own words (never copy the abstract)
  • One brief, interesting quotation, introduced with a verb phrase, author/date citation, and page number
  • An overall assessment of the article and an explanation of how it will be used in your report or proposal


Tamaddoni, A., Stakhovych, S., & Ewing, M. (2017). The impact of personalised incentives on the profitability of customer retention campaigns. Journal of Marketing Management, 33(5/6), 327–347.

Summary: This article contends that while there have been many studies made on “churn” (p. 328), the term used to describe loss or turnover of customers, there has been very little research on strategies to reduce churn. The authors contend that offering incentives may help companies to retain customers but that such incentives must be individualized based on customer buying habits to be effective. In other words, not all customers are equally worth retaining.

Interesting Quote: Tamaddoni and Ewing (2017) point out an often overlooked fact: “It is plausible to have a customer who is likely to churn and who is also not profitable” (p. 332).

Assessment: This well-researched and authoritative source will be very useful for my formal report, which focuses on increasing customer loyalty at the company where I work. It will support my point that our efforts should focus primarily on retaining our most profitable customers.


  • Use the “Cite” feature in our DeVry databases as a general guide but not as a substitute for understanding correct APA citation rules.
  • Pay close attention to capitalization and italics.
  • Put your sources in alphabetical order by the lead author’s last name.

Submit your assignment as an APA-style document. In Microsoft Word, there are numerous APA style document templates provided

Your Annotated Bibliography for your Formal Report or Proposal is due this week. For more information on how to complete this assignment, consult the Formal Report or Proposal Overview page in the Introduction and Resources Module.

Submit your assignment as an APA style document. In Microsoft Word, there are numerous APA style document templates provided.

Grading Rubric

Annotated Bibliography

Points possible

Document Design: The document is in APA style, as is each reference. Annotations follow the sample format provided, including a summary, quotation, and assessment.


Source Quality: Each of the four sources are authoritative, timely, and relevant. The majority of sources must be scholarly, and any nonscholarly sources, such as those from newspapers, magazines, or websites, must be credible.


Content: Each summary clearly explains the main concepts of the source and is written in the student’s own words (not copied from the abstract). Each quotation is integrated into a sentence and includes the author, date, and page number. Each assessment shows how the source will be used in the formal report or proposal.


Writing Mechanics: Rules of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation are followed.





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