After viewing Angela Lee Duckworth’s video, write an Initial Post that responds to one or two of the following four statements/questions. Initial Posts should consist of at least 200 words. Each Reply should consist of at least 100 words.
- Based upon Angela Lee Duckworth’s lecture, explain how Heather Penny exhibits grit in “F-16 Pilot . . .” (224-228).
- Based upon Angela Lee Duckworth’s lecture, explain how Jimmy Santiago Baca exhibits grit in “Jimmy Santiago Baca: Poetry as Lifesaver” (893-897).
- Consider “Jimmy Santiago Baca: Poetry as Lifesaver” from the angle of Baca’s prison experiences. What other information might the writer include to support that angle?
- Consider Jeff Wilson’s experiences “Living . . . in a Dumpster” (885-892). Using a “changing and learning” angle, which experiences might we foreground?
Complete Profile reading assignment and sample Profile entitled “F – 16 Pilot . . .” (224-228).
Click on the following link, and view “Angela Lee Duckworth: The Key to Success? Grit” (May 9, 2013) Next, read Profiles “Jimmy Santiago Baca: Poetry as Lifesaver” (893-897) .
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