Please review the identified anatomy dissections, histology images, and animations for the Module 04-05 Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR): Muscular module. Download the attached document, which contains the identified anatomy dissections and histology images that you are required to learn for your Module 04-05 Anatomy and Physiology Revealed (APR): Muscular module. Once you have reviewed the identified anatomy dissections and histology images, you will be required to take the APR quiz on this specific APR module of content.  You must score at least a 92% on it, but will have multiple attempts to achieve that score.  Once completed with the APR quiz, please submit the summary page to the dropbox to document your completion and score.  Please refer to the Student Resources in the left-hand course menu for instructions on how to take the APR quiz and submit your summary page. To access the McGraw-Hill Anatomy and Physiology Revealed, please follow the instructions listed in the Student Resources link in the left-hand course menu titled, “BSC2346L APR Login Instructions”.

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