Analyzing Two Southern California Modernism Buildings
Art & Architecture
Paper details
*The research paper will be about analyzing two Southern California Modernism buildings as well as finding similarities between those two buildings:
1) Gehry House (1978) By Frank Gehry / Architectural Style: Deconstructivism.
2) Sheats-Golstein House (1963/89) By John Lautner / Architectural Style: Organic Architecture.
*Things to look at: Materials/ Environment (Landscape)/ Scale/ Geometry/ Domesticity/ Critical Assessments Include the architect’s analysis on the building as well as your own.
*Required textbooks to cite from: Reyner Banham, Los Angeles: The Architecture of Four Ecologies, 1971. Monographs on Lautner (such as John Lautner Book by Barbara-Ann Campbell-Lange).
**Thesis should be clear, should focus on: materiality, geometry, context, and neighborliness. (e.g.how material and geometry connect us to the world?)
**Discover striking similarities between the two buildings (Gehry house + Sheats-Goldstein house).
**Mention: How the Gehry house “Kitchen” was inspired by John Lautner’s Schaffer house “Kitchen”. (The wrapping in the Schaffer House “Kitchen” defined the perimeter by giving it a sense of expansiveness/spaciousness)
**Do minor comparison between the Gehry House (by Frank Gehry) and the Schaffer House (by John Lautner)
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