This is a 1,200-1,700 word analytical paper on a local issue that you isolate and develop. You will have the topic approved in week 4. You will choose a moral issue, consider and fairly state opposing views on this issue and offer a clear argument in support of one of those views. The paper will apply moral theories using logical analysis, in order to demonstrate your understanding of complex real world moral issues. The paper will use the elements of philosophical reasoning to identify and analyze a moral issue in the local community thereby demonstrating the relevance of philosophical thinking to everyday life. See the grading rubric for more details.
A grade papers: (90-100) Are strong in grammar, organization, clarity and argumentation, have a clear thesis and an argument or analysis supporting that thesis and are clearly linked to the eResources with some use of at least three citations and quotations. The paper must be between 1,200 and 1,700 words in length. The paper must contain at least one full paragraph of fair arguments by people with the opposing view. Then in another paragraph you must specifically address the issues brought up by opponents and refute them.
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